
.VERSION 1.0.6
.GUID bcf1a3eb-5df0-40d1-9e90-1c67e328d550
.AUTHOR Pierre Smit
.TAGS Citrix
Created [25/06/2019_14:04] Initial Script Creating
Updated [01/07/2020_14:43] Script Fle Info was updated
Updated [01/07/2020_15:42] Script Fle Info was updated
Updated [01/07/2020_16:07] Script Fle Info was updated
Updated [01/07/2020_16:13] Script Fle Info was updated
Updated [06/03/2021_20:58] Script Fle Info was updated
Updated [15/03/2021_23:28] Script Fle Info was updated

Function for Citrix XenDesktop HTML Health Check Report

# .ExternalHelp XDHealthCheck-help.xml

Function Import-ParametersFile {
Import the config file and creates the needed variables
Import the config file and creates the needed variables
.PARAMETER JSONParameterFilePath
Path to the json config file, created by Install-ParametersFile
.PARAMETER RedoCredentials
Deletes the saved credentials, and allow you to recreate them.
Import-ParametersFile -JSONParameterFilePath $JSONParameterFilePath

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)]
        [ValidateScript( { (Test-Path $_) -and ((Get-Item $_).Extension -eq '.json') })]
        [string]$JSONParameterFilePath = (Get-Item $profile).DirectoryName + '\Parameters.json',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [switch]$RedoCredentials = $false

    $JSONParameter = Get-Content ($JSONParameterFilePath) | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ($null -eq $JSONParameter) { Write-Error 'Valid Parameters file not found'; break }

    Write-Colour 'Using Variables from Parameters.json: ', $JSONParameterFilePath.ToString() -ShowTime -Color DarkCyan, DarkYellow -LinesAfter 1
    Write-Verbose "$((Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss).ToString()) [Starting] Variable Details"
    $JSONParameter.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object { $ -notlike 'TrustedDomains' } | ForEach-Object { Write-Color $, ':', $_.value -Color Yellow, DarkCyan, Green -ShowTime; New-Variable -Name $ -Value $_.value -Force -Scope global }
    New-Variable -Name 'JSONParameterFilePath' -Value $JSONParameterFilePath -Scope global -Force

    # Write-Colour "Creating credentials for Trusted domains:" -ShowTime -Color DarkCyan -LinesBefore 2
    # $Global:Trusteddomains = @()
    # foreach ($domain in $JSONParameter.TrustedDomains) {
    # $serviceaccount = Find-Credential | Where-Object target -Like ("*" + $domain.Description.tostring()) | Get-Credential -Store
    # if ($null -eq $serviceaccount) {
    # $serviceaccount = BetterCredentials\Get-Credential -Message ("Service Account for domain: " + $domain.NetBiosName.ToString())
    # Set-Credential -Credential $serviceaccount -Target $domain.Description.ToString() -Persistence LocalComputer -Description ("Service Account for domain: " + $domain.NetBiosName.ToString())
    # }
    # Write-Color -Text $domain.FQDN, ":", $serviceaccount.username -Color Yellow, DarkCyan, Green -ShowTime
    # $CusObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    # FQDN = $domain.FQDN
    # Credentials = $serviceaccount
    # }
    # $Global:Trusteddomains += $CusObject
    # }
    $global:CTXAdmin = Find-Credential | Where-Object target -Like '*CTXAdmin' | Get-Credential -Store
    if ($null -eq $CTXAdmin) {
        $AdminAccount = BetterCredentials\Get-Credential -Message 'Admin Account: DOMAIN\Username for CTX Admin'
        Set-Credential -Credential $AdminAccount -Target 'CTXAdmin' -Persistence LocalComputer -Description 'Account used for Citrix queries' -Verbose

    # $global:NSAdmin = Find-Credential | Where-Object target -Like "*NSAdmin" | Get-Credential -Store
    # if ($null -eq $CTXAdmin) {
    # $NSAccount = BetterCredentials\Get-Credential -Message "Admin Account for Netscaler"
    # Set-Credential -Credential $NSAccount -Target "NSAdmin" -Persistence LocalComputer -Description "Account used for Citrix Netscaler" -Verbose
    # }
    # Write-Colour "Netscaler Admin Credentials: ", $NSAdmin.UserName -ShowTime -Color yellow, Green -LinesBefore 1
    Write-Colour 'Citrix Admin Credentials: ', $CTXAdmin.UserName -ShowTime -Color yellow, Green

    if ($SendEmail) {
        $global:SMTPClientCredentials = Find-Credential | Where-Object target -Like '*Healthcheck_smtp' | Get-Credential -Store
        if ($null -eq $SMTPClientCredentials) {
            $Account = BetterCredentials\Get-Credential -Message 'smtp login for HealthChecks email'
            Set-Credential -Credential $Account -Target 'Healthcheck_smtp' -Persistence LocalComputer -Description 'Account used for XD health checks' -Verbose
        Write-Colour 'SMTP Credentials: ', $SMTPClientCredentials.UserName -ShowTime -Color yellow, Green -LinesBefore 2


    if ($RedoCredentials) {
        foreach ($domain in $JSONParameter.TrustedDomains) { Find-Credential | Where-Object target -Like ('*' + $domain.Description.tostring()) | Remove-Credential -Verbose }
        Find-Credential | Where-Object target -Like '*CTXAdmin' | Remove-Credential -Verbose
        Find-Credential | Where-Object target -Like '*NSAdmin' | Remove-Credential -Verbose

} #end Function