
Function Find-XKCD {
        Retrieves the details of comics @ based on whether a specified search string appears
        in the title text.
        The Find-XKCD cmdlet creates a local cache of the XKCD API comic data if one is not found to already
        exist. It also refreshes the local cache if it's found to be out of date. Comic searches are then
        performed against the local cache.
        Find-XKCD -Query 'Spider' | Format-Table
        Returns any comics with the word 'Spider' in the title as a table.
        Find-XKCD -Query 'Spider' | Get-XKCD -Open
        Returns any comics with the word 'Spider' in the title and then pipes the result to Get-XKCD which opens
        them in the default browser.

        # The search string to find

        # Path to where comic data is cached
        $CachePath = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'XKCD.json')
    Update-XKCDCache -CachePath $CachePath

    $AllComics = Get-Content $CachePath | ConvertFrom-Json

    $AllComics | Where-Object { $_.Title -like "*$Query*" }