
<# VE_XD7StoreFrontOptimalGateway\VE_XD7StoreFrontOptimalGateway.Resources.psd1 #>
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    TrappedError = Trapped error {0}. Error: '{1}'.
    CallingGetDSOptimalGatewayForFarms = Calling Get-DSOptimalGatewayForFarms.
    CallingGetDSFarmSets = Calling Get-DSFarmSets.
    SettingStaUrls = Setting STA URLS '{0}'.
    UpdatingStaUrls = Updating STA URLS '{0}'.
    SettingStaLoadBalancing = Setting STA load balancing '{0}'.
    UpdatingStaLoadBalancing = Updating STA load balancing '{0}'.
    SettingStaBypassDuration = Setting STA bypass duration '{0}'.
    UpdatingStaBypassDuration = Updating STA bypass duration '{0}'.
    SettingSessionReliability = Setting session reliability '{0}'.
    UpdatingSessionReliability = Updating session reliability '{0}'.
    SettingRequireTwoTickets = Setting use two tickets '{0}'.
    UpdatingRequireTwoTickets = Updating use two tickets '{0}'.
    SettingZones = Setting zones '{0}'.
    UpdatingZones = Updating zones '{0}'.
    SettingEnabledOnDirectAccess = Setting direct access '{0}'.
    UpdatingEnabledOnDirectAccess = Updating direct access '{0}'.
    CallingSetDSOptimalGatewayForFarms = Calling Set-DSOptimalGatewayForFarms.
    CallingRemoveDSOptimalGatewayForFarms = Calling Remove-DSOptimalGatewayForFarms.
    ResourcePropertyMismatch = Property '{0}' is NOT in desired state; expected '{1}', actual '{2}'.
    ResourceInDesiredState = Citrix StoreFront Optimal Gateway is in the desired state.
    ResourceNotInDesiredState = Citrix StoreFront Optimal Gateway is NOT in the desired state.