
<# VE_XD7StoreFrontRegisterStoreGateway\VE_XD7StoreFrontRegisterStoreGateway.Resources.psd1 #>
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    CallingGetSTFStoreService = Calling Get-STFStoreService for store '{0}'.
    CallingGetSTFAuthenticationService = Calling Get-STFAuthenticationService.
    CallingGetSTFRoamingGateway = Calling Get-STFRoamingGateway for gateway '{0}'.
    CallingRegisterSTFStoreGateway = Calling Register-STFStoreGateway.
    CallingUnegisterSTFStoreGateway = Calling Unregister-STFStoreGateway.
    ProtocolEnabled = Gateway protocol '{0}' enabled.
    EnablingProtocol = Enabling gateway protocol '{0}'.
    DisablingProtocol = Disabling gateway protocol '{0}'.
    ProtocolDisabled = Gateway protocol '{0}' disabled.
    ResourcePropertyMismatch = Property '{0}' is NOT in desired state; expected '{1}', actual '{2}'.
    ResourceInDesiredState = Citrix StoreFront Registered Gateway is in the desired state.
    ResourceNotInDesiredState = Citrix StoreFront Registered Gateway is NOT in the desired state.