
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverCommunication")]
class VE_XD7StoreFrontWebReceiverCommunication : OMI_BaseResource
    [Key, Description("StoreFront store name")] String StoreName;
    [Write, Description("How many attempts WebReceiver should make to contact StoreFront before it gives up")] UInt32 Attempts;
    [Write, Description("Timeout value for communicating with StoreFront")] String Timeout;
    [Write, Description("Whether to use the loopback address for communications with the store service, rather than the actual StoreFront server URL"), ValueMap{"On","Off","OnUsingHttp"}, Values{"On","Off","OnUsingHttp"}] String Loopback;
    [Write, Description("When loopback is set to OnUsingHttp, the port number to use for loopback communications")] UInt32 LoopbackPortUsingHttp;
    [Write, Description("Is the communications proxy enabled")] Boolean ProxyEnabled;
    [Write, Description("The port to use for the communications proxy")] UInt32 ProxyPort;
    [Write, Description("The name of the process acting as proxy")] String ProxyProcessName;