
# en-US
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    CreatingDocument = Creating XmlEx document.
    SettingDocumentNamespace = Setting document namespace to '{0}'.
    SettingDocumentNamespaceWithPrefix = Setting document namespace '{0}' with prefix '{1}'.
    SettingDefaultDocumentNamespace = Setting default document namespace '{0}'.
    AddingElement = Adding element '{0}' to element '{1}'.
    AddingAttribute = Adding attribute '{0}' to element '{1}'.
    AddingTextNode = Adding text node to element '{0}'.
    AddingComment = Adding comment to element '{0}'.
    AddingDocumentNamespace = Adding document namespace '{0}'.
    FinalizingDocument = Finalizing XmlEx document.

    ProcessingDocument = Process Xml document '{0}'.
    AppendingXmlElementPath = Appending Xml element/path '{0}'.
    AppendingXmlAttributePath = Appending attribute '{0}'.
    AppendingXmlTextNodePath = Appending text node '{0}'.
    SavingDocument = Saving Xml document '{0}'.

    XmlExDocumentNotFoundError = XmlEx document not found/reference not set.
    XmlExElementNotFoundError = XmlEx element not found/reference not set.
    XmlExNamespaceMissingXmlElementError = Cannot add a 'XmlNamespace' to a document without a root element.
    XmlExDocumentMissingXmlElementError = Cannot add a 'XmlAttribute' to a document without a root element.
    XmlExInvalidCallOutsideScopeError = You cannot call '{0}' outside the '{1}' scope.
    XmlExInvalidCallWithinScopeError = You cannot call '{0}' from within the '{1}' scope. '{0}' must be nested within a '{2}' scope.
    CannotFindPathError = Cannot find path '{0}' because it does not exist.

    ShouldProcessOperationWarning = Performing operation "{0}" on Target "{1}".
    ShouldProcessWarning = Continue with this operation?