
# Filename: ImportSolution.ps1
[string]$solutionFile, #The absolute path to the solution file zip to be imported
[string]$crmConnectionString, #The target CRM organization connection string
[bool]$override, #If set to 1 will override the solution even if a solution with same version exists
[bool]$publishWorkflows, #Will publish workflows during import
[bool]$overwriteUnmanagedCustomizations, #Will overwrite unmanaged customizations
[bool]$skipProductUpdateDependencies, #Will skip product update dependencies
[bool]$convertToManaged, #Direct the system to convert any matching unmanaged customizations into your managed solution. Optional.
[int]$AsyncWaitTimeout, #Optional - Async wait timeout in seconds
[int]$Timeout, #Optional - CRM connection timeout
[string]$logsDirectory, #Optional - will place the import log in here
[string]$logFilename #Optional - will use this as import log file name

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

Write-Verbose 'Entering ImportSolution.ps1'

#Script Location
$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
Write-Verbose "Script Path: $scriptPath"

#Load XrmCIFramework
$xrmCIToolkit = $scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell.Cmdlets.dll"
Write-Verbose "Importing CIToolkit: $xrmCIToolkit" 
Import-Module $xrmCIToolkit
Write-Verbose "Imported CIToolkit"

Write-Verbose "solutionFile = $solutionFile"
Write-Verbose "crmConnectionString = $crmConnectionString"
Write-Verbose "override = $override"
Write-Verbose "publishWorkflows = $publishWorkflows"
Write-Verbose "overwriteUnmanagedCustomizations = $overwriteUnmanagedCustomizations"
Write-Verbose "skipProductUpdateDependencies = $skipProductUpdateDependencies"
Write-Verbose "convertToManaged = $convertToManaged"
Write-Verbose "holdingSolution = $holdingSolution"
Write-Verbose "AsyncWaitTimeout = $AsyncWaitTimeout"
Write-Verbose "Timeout = $Timeout"
Write-Verbose "logsDirectory = $logsDirectory"
Write-Verbose "logFilename = $logFilename"

Write-Verbose "Getting solution info from zip"

$solutionInfo = Get-XrmSolutionInfoFromZip -SolutionFilePath "$solutionFile"

Write-Host "Solution Name: " $solutionInfo.UniqueName
Write-Host "Solution Version: " $solutionInfo.Version

$solution = Get-XrmSolution -ConnectionString "$CrmConnectionString" -UniqueSolutionName $solutionInfo.UniqueName

if ($solution -eq $null)
    Write-Host "Solution not currently installed"
    Write-Host "Solution Installed Current version: " $solution.Version
if ($override -or ($solution -eq $null) -or ($solution.Version -ne $solutionInfo.Version))
    Write-Verbose "Importing Solution: $solutionFile"

    $importJobId = [guid]::NewGuid()
    $asyncOperationId = Import-XrmSolution -ConnectionString "$CrmConnectionString" -SolutionFilePath "$solutionFile" -publishWorkflows $publishWorkflows -overwriteUnmanagedCustomizations $overwriteUnmanagedCustomizations -SkipProductUpdateDependencies $skipProductUpdateDependencies -ConvertToManaged $convertToManaged -HoldingSolution $holdingSolution -ImportAsync $true -WaitForCompletion $true -ImportJobId $importJobId -AsyncWaitTimeout $AsyncWaitTimeout  -Timeout $Timeout -Verbose
    Write-Host "Solution Import Completed. Import Job Id: $importJobId"

    if ($logsDirectory)
        if ($logFilename)
            $importLogFile = $logsDirectory + "\" + $logFilename
            $importLogFile = $logsDirectory + "\" + $solutionInfo.UniqueName + '_' + ($solutionInfo.Version).replace('.','_') + '_' + [System.DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd__HH_mm") + ".xml"

    $importJob = Get-XrmSolutionImportLog -ImportJobId $importJobId -ConnectionString "$CrmConnectionString" -OutputFile "$importLogFile"

    $importProgress = $importJob.Progress
    $importResult = (Select-Xml -Content $importJob.Data -XPath "//solutionManifest/result/@result").Node.Value
    $importErrorText = (Select-Xml -Content $importJob.Data -XPath "//solutionManifest/result/@errortext").Node.Value

    Write-Verbose "Import Progress: $importProgress"
    Write-Verbose "Import Result: $importResult"
    Write-Verbose "Import Error Text: $importErrorText"
    Write-Verbose $importJob.Data

        if ($importResult -ne "success")
        throw "Import Failed"

    #parse the importexportxml and look for result notes with result="failure"
    $importFailed = $false
    $importjobXml = [xml]$importJob.Data
    $failureNodes = $importjobXml.SelectNodes("//*[@result='failure']")

    foreach ($failureNode in $failureNodes){
        $componentName = $failureNode.ParentNode.Attributes['name'].Value
        $errorText = $failureNode.Attributes['errortext'].Value
        Write-Host "Component Import Failure: '$componentName' failed with error: '$errorText'"
        $importFailed = $true
    if ($importFailed -eq $true)
        throw "The Solution Import failed because one or more components with a result of 'failure' were found. For detals, check the Diagnostics for this build or the solution import log file in the logs subfolder of the Drop folder."
        Write-Host "The import result of all components is 'success'."
    #end parse the importexportxml and look for result notes with result="failure"
    $solution = Get-XrmSolution -ConnectionString "$CrmConnectionString" -UniqueSolutionName $solutionInfo.UniqueName

    if (($holdingSolution -ne $true) -and ($solution.Version -ne $solutionInfo.Version)) 
        throw "Import Failed. Check the solution import log file in the logs subfolder of the Drop folder."
        Write-Host "Solution Imported Successfully"
    Write-Host "Skipped Import of Solution..."

Write-Verbose 'Leaving ImportSolution.ps1'