
# Filename: CheckSolution.ps1

[string]$SolutionFile, #The absolute path to the solution file zip to be imported
[string]$OutputPath, #The full path to where you want results to be stored
[string]$TenantId , #The tenant Id where your instance resides
[string]$ApplicationId , #The application Id used for the connection
[string]$ApplicationSecret , #The application secret used for connection
[string]$Ruleset , #The ruleset to be used when checking
[string[]]$RuleCodes, #The Ids of the rules used when checking
[string[]]$ExcludedFiles, #The Files/Patterns to be excluded from scanning
[string]$Geography, #The regional endpoint to hit
[string]$PowerAppsCheckerPath, #The full path to the PowerApp Checker PowerShell Module
[bool]$EnableThresholds, #Enables threshold checks
[string]$ThresholdAction, # Warn, Error - The type of action to generate when number of issues exceeds threshold limit
[int]$CriticalThreshold, #Number of critical severity issues
[int]$HighThreshold, #Number of high severity issues
[int]$MediumThreshold, #Number of medium severity issues
[int]$LowThreshold #Number of low severity issues

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$InformationPreference = "Continue"

Write-Verbose 'Entering CheckSolution.ps1'

#Print Parameters

Write-Verbose "SolutionFile = $SolutionFile"
Write-Verbose "OutputPath = $OutputPath"
Write-Verbose "TenantId = $TenantId"
Write-Verbose "ApplicationId = $ApplicationId"
Write-Verbose "Ruleset = $Ruleset"
Write-Verbose "RuleCodes = $RuleCodes"
Write-Verbose "ExcludedFiles = $ExcludedFiles"
Write-Verbose "Geography = $Geography"
Write-Verbose "PowerAppsCheckerPath = $PowerAppsCheckerPath"

Write-Verbose "Importing PowerApps Checker: $PowerAppsCheckerPath"
Import-module "$PowerAppsCheckerPath\Microsoft.PowerApps.Checker.PowerShell.psd1"

#Run PowerApps Checker

if ($Ruleset)
    $rulesets = Get-PowerAppsCheckerRulesets -Geography "$Geography"

    if ($rulesets.Length -gt 0)
        $rulesetToUse = $rulesets | where Name -EQ "$RuleSet"

        if ($rulesetToUse)
            Write-Verbose "Ruleset found"
            throw "$RuleSet ruleset was not found"
        throw "No rule sets found"
elseif ($RuleCodes)
    $rules = @()
    foreach($ruleCode in $RuleCodes)
        $rule = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.PowerApps.Checker.Client.Models.Rule"
        $rule.Code = $ruleCode
        $rules += $rule
    throw "Either RuleSet or RuleCodes is required"

$CheckParams = @{
    FileUnderAnalysis = "$SolutionFile"
    OutputDirectory = "$OutputPath"
    TenantId = "$TenantId"
    ClientApplicationId = "$ApplicationId"
    ClientApplicationSecret = ConvertTo-SecureString "$ApplicationSecret" -AsPlainText -Force
if ($rulesetToUse)
    $CheckParams.Ruleset = $rulesetToUse
if ($rules)
    $CheckParams.Rule = $rules

if ($ExcludedFiles)
    $CheckParams.ExcludedFileNamePattern = $ExcludedFiles

$response = Invoke-PowerAppsChecker @CheckParams

if( $response)
    $CheckStatus = $response.Status

    Write-Host "PowerApps Check Status: $CheckStatus"
    Write-Host "Result File: $($response.DownloadedResultFiles)"
    Write-Host "Result File Uri: $($response.ResultFileUris)"

    if (($CheckStatus -eq "Finished") -or ($CheckStatus -eq "FinishedWithErrors"))
        if ($CheckStatus -eq "FinishedWithErrors")
            Write-Warning "PowerApp Checker finished with errors. Check results for more information"

        Write-Host "============================================" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen

        $issues = $response.IssueSummary
        $critical = $issues.CriticalIssueCount
        $high = $issues.HighIssueCount
        $medium = $issues.MediumIssueCount
        $low = $issues.LowIssueCount
        $info = $issues.InformationalIssueCount
        Write-Host "Critical: $critical" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "High: $high" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "Medium: $medium" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "Low: $low" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "Informational: $info" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "============================================" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen

        if ($EnableThresholds)
            $breached = (
                        ($critical -gt $CriticalThreshold) -or
                        ($high -gt $HighThreshold) -or
                        ($medium -gt $MediumThreshold) -or
                        ($low -gt $LowThreshold)
            if ($breached)
                $msg = "Number of issues detected above threshold limits"
                if ($ThresholdAction -eq "Warn")
                    Write-Warning $msg
                elseif ($ThresholdAction -eq "Error")
                    Write-Error $msg
    elseif ($CheckStatus -eq "Failed")
        throw "PowerApps Checker Failed"
        Write-Warning "Unknown status return from PowerApps Checker"
    throw "Didn't recieve response from PowerApps Checker"

Write-Verbose 'Leaving CheckSolution.ps1'

# End of script