
# BackupCRMOnlineInstance.ps1

[bool]$WaitForCompletion = $false,
[int]$SleepDuration = 3,
[string]$BackupExistsAction = "Error" #Error,Skip,Continue

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

Write-Verbose 'Entering BackupCRMOnlineInstance.ps1'

Write-Verbose "ApiUrl = $ApiUrl"
Write-Verbose "Username = $Username"
Write-Verbose "InstanceName = $InstanceName"
Write-Verbose "BackupLabel = $BackupLabel"
Write-Verbose "BackupNotes = $BackupNotes"
Write-Verbose "MaxCrmConnectionTimeOutMinutes = $MaxCrmConnectionTimeOutMinutes"
Write-Verbose "WaitForCompletion = $WaitForCompletion"
Write-Verbose "SleepDuration = $SleepDuration"
Write-Verbose "PSModulePath = $PSModulePath"
Write-Verbose "BackupExistsAction = $BackupExistsAction"

#Script Location
$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
Write-Verbose "Script Path: $scriptPath"

#Set Security Protocol
& "$scriptPath\SetTlsVersion.ps1"

#Load Online Management Module
$xrmOnlineModule = $scriptPath + "\Microsoft.Xrm.OnlineManagementAPI.dll"

if ($PSModulePath)
    $xrmOnlineModule = $PSModulePath + "\Microsoft.Xrm.OnlineManagementAPI.dll"

Write-Verbose "Importing Online Management Module: $xrmOnlineModule" 
Import-Module $xrmOnlineModule
Write-Verbose "Imported Online Management Module"

#Create Credentials
$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Username, $SecPassword)


$instance = Get-XrmInstanceByName -ApiUrl $ApiUrl -Cred $Cred -InstanceName $InstanceName

if ($instance -eq $null)
    throw "$InstanceName not found"

Write-Host "Backing up instance $InstanceName " + $instance.Id

$backup = Get-XrmBackupByLabel -ApiUrl $ApiUrl -Cred $Cred -InstanceId $instance.Id -Label "$BackupLabel"

if ($backup)
    Write-Host "Existing Backup with same label found. Timestamp: $($backup.TimestampUtc)"
    if ($BackupExistsAction -eq "Error")
        throw "Backup with label $BackupLabel already exists for instance"
    elseif ($BackupExistsAction -eq "Skip")
        Write-Warning "Skipping backup as backup with same label already exists"
    elseif ($BackupExistsAction -eq "Continue")
        Write-Host "Will continue to attempt another backup using same label"
    Write-Host "No existing backups found with label: $BackupLabel"

#$backupInfo = New-CrmBackupInfo -InstanceId $instance.Id -Label "$BackupLabel" -Notes "$BackupNotes" -IsAzureBackup $IsAzureBackup -AzureContainerName $ContainerName -AzureStorageAccountKey $StorageAccountKey -AzureStorageAccountName $StorageAccountName
$CallParams = @{
    ApiUrl = $ApiUrl
    Credential = $Cred
    InstanceId = $instance.Id
    Label = "$BackupLabel"
    Notes = "$BackupNotes"

if ($MaxCrmConnectionTimeOutMinutes -and ($MaxCrmConnectionTimeOutMinutes -ne 0))
    $CallParams.MaxCrmConnectionTimeOutMinutes = $MaxCrmConnectionTimeOutMinutes

$operation = Backup-CrmInstance @CallParams


if ($operation.Errors.Count -gt 0)
    $errorMessage = $operation.Errors[0].Description
    throw "Errors encountered : $errorMessage"

if ($WaitForCompletion -and ($operation.OperationId -ne [system.guid]::empty) -and ($OperationStatus -ne "Succeeded") -and ($OperationStatus -ne "Created"))
    $status = Wait-XrmOperation -ApiUrl $ApiUrl -Cred $Cred -operationId $operation.OperationId


    if ($status.Status -ne "Succeeded")
        throw "Operation status: $status.Status"

    Wait-XrmBackup -ApiUrl $ApiUrl -Cred $Cred -InstanceId $instance.Id -Label "$BackupLabel" -SleepDuration 15

    Write-Host "Backup Completed"

Write-Verbose 'Leaving BackupCRMOnlineInstance.ps1'