
# Filename: CheckerQualityGate.ps1

[string]$ResultsFile, #The absolute path to the results file zip to be analyzed
[string]$ThresholdAction, # Warn, Error - The type of action to generate when number of issues exceeds threshold limit
[int]$CriticalThreshold, #Number of critical severity issues
[int]$HighThreshold, #Number of high severity issues
[int]$MediumThreshold, #Number of medium severity issues
[int]$LowThreshold, #Number of low severity issues
[string]$OutputPath #The full path to where you want results to be stored

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$InformationPreference = "Continue"

Write-Verbose 'Entering CheckerQualityGate.ps1'

#Print Parameters

Write-Verbose "ResultsFile = $ResultsFile"
Write-Verbose "ThresholdAction = $ThresholdAction"
Write-Verbose "CriticalThreshold = $CriticalThreshold"
Write-Verbose "HighThreshold = $HighThreshold"
Write-Verbose "MediumThreshold = $MediumThreshold"
Write-Verbose "LowThreshold = $LowThreshold"
Write-Verbose "OutputPath = $OutputPath"

function HighlightThreshold(
        if ($count -gt $threshold)
            return "**$threshold**"
            return "$threshold"

if ($resultsFile)
    Add-Type -assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem"

        $resultsZip = [io.compression.zipfile]::OpenRead("$resultsFile")

        $jsonFile = $resultsZip.Entries | Where-Object { $_.Name -ilike "*.sarif"}

        if ($jsonFile)
                $reader = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList $jsonFile.Open()
                $rawContent = $reader.ReadToEnd()

                $jsonContent = $rawContent | ConvertFrom-Json

                if ($jsonContent.runs.length -ne 1)
                    throw "runs count doesn't equal 1"

                $results = $jsonContent.runs[0].results

                Write-Host "============================================" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
                Write-Host "Total number of issues detected: $($results.length)" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
                Write-Host "============================================" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen

                $critical = @($jsonContent.runs[0].results | Where-Object { $ -eq "Critical"})
                $high = @($jsonContent.runs[0].results | Where-Object { $ -eq "High"})
                $medium = @($jsonContent.runs[0].results | Where-Object { $ -eq "Medium"})
                $low = @($jsonContent.runs[0].results | Where-Object { $ -eq "Low"})
                $info = @($jsonContent.runs[0].results | Where-Object { $ -eq "Informational"})

                $criticalCount = $critical.Length
                $highCount = $high.Length
                $mediumCount = $medium.Length
                $lowCount = $low.Length
                $infoCount = $info.Length
                Write-Host "Critical: $criticalCount Threshold = $CriticalThreshold" -ForegroundColor Green
                Write-Host "High: $highCount Threshold = $HighThreshold" -ForegroundColor Green
                Write-Host "Medium: $mediumCount Threshold = $MediumThreshold" -ForegroundColor Green
                Write-Host "Low: $lowCount Threshold = $LowThreshold" -ForegroundColor Green
                Write-Host "Info: $infoCount" -ForegroundColor Green
                Write-Host "============================================" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen

                $md = "| Severity | Count | Threshold | `r`n"
                $md += "|:-----------|:-----------:|:-----------:| `r`n"
                $md += "| Critical | $criticalCount | $(HighlightThreshold $criticalCount $CriticalThreshold) | `r`n"
                $md += "| High | $highCount | $(HighlightThreshold $highCount $HighThreshold) | `r`n"
                $md += "| Medium | $mediumCount | $(HighlightThreshold $mediumCount $MediumThreshold) | `r`n"
                $md += "| Low | $lowCount | $(HighlightThreshold $lowCount $LowThreshold) | `r`n"
                $md += "| Informational | $infoCount | N/A | `r`n"

                Set-Content -Path "$OutputPath\" -Value "$md"

                $breached = (
                            ($criticalCount -gt $CriticalThreshold) -or
                            ($highCount -gt $HighThreshold) -or
                            ($mediumCount -gt $MediumThreshold) -or
                            ($lowCount -gt $LowThreshold)
                if ($breached)
                    $msg = "Number of issues detected above threshold limits"
                    if ($ThresholdAction -eq "Warn")
                        Write-Warning $msg
                    elseif ($ThresholdAction -eq "Error")
                        Write-Error $msg
                if ($reader)
                    Write-Verbose "Disposing of reader"
                    Write-Verbose "Reader Disposed"
            Write-Error "Couldn't load json from .sarif file"
        if ($resultsZip)
            Write-Verbose "Disposing of resultZip"
            Write-Verbose "resultsZip Disposed"
    throw "Couldn't find PowerApps Checker result file"

Write-Verbose 'Leaving CheckerQualityGate.ps1'

# End of script