
$ClustersDefaultProperties = ('index','name','ud-ssd-space-in-use','sys-state','logical-space-in-use','size-and-capacity','data-reduction-ratio','iops')


Function Get-XtremXMS{
    displays details of the XMS
    .PARAMETER Properties
    Array of properties requested from this call.
    .PARAMETER ShowRest
    Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON

    Param (
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
    $Route = '/types/xms'
    $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route 1
    $ObjectSelection = 'content'
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -GetProperty $GetProperty -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    $result = formatOutPut $Property $result

    return $result

Function Get-XtremClusters{
      Displays the information of the cluster currently being managed.
      .PARAMETER Properties
      Array of properties requested from this call.
        .PARAMETER Filters
      Array of filters for this call.
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON

        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
        [switch]$Full = $false
    $Route = '/types/clusters'

    if ($Full) { $Property = '' }

    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route  -Session $Session -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent -Multi -Full:$Full.IsPresent

    $result = formatOutPut $Property $result

    return $result

Function Get-XtremCluster{
      Displays the cluster information.
      .PARAMETER ClusterName
      Cluster’s name or index number
      .PARAMETER Properties
      Array of properties requested from this call.
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      Get-XtremCluster -ClusterName brick123

    Param (
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'clusters' name })]
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
    $Route = '/types/clusters'
    $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $ClusterName

    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -GetProperty $GetProperty -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    $result = formatOutPut $Property $result
    return $result

function Create-XtremClusterFunctions($SessionObject) {

    $SessionObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "XMSGet" -Value {
    Param (

        return Get-XtremXMS -Session $this -Property $Property -ShowRest $ShowRest

    $SessionObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "ClusterGet" -Value {
    Param (

        Get-XtremCluster -Session $this -ClusterName $ClusterName -Property $Property -ShowRest $ShowRest

    $SessionObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "ClusterList" -Value {
    Param (
        [switch]$Full = $false

        Get-XtremClusters -Session $this -Property $Property -ShowRest $ShowRest -Full $Full

    $SessionObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "SetXtremInternalPopulateClusters" -Value {

        $clusters = Get-XtremClusters -Property hardware-platform

        $clusterType = "X1"
        foreach ($cluster in $clusters)
            if ($null -eq $this._XtremDefaultCluster) {
                $this._XtremDefaultCluster = $cluster.index
            if ($cluster.'hardware-platform' -eq "X2") {
                $clusterType = "X2"
            $name = $
            $ind = $cluster.index
            $this._XtremClusterTypeByName.Add("$name", $clusterType);
            $this._XtremClusterTypeByIndex.Add("$ind", $clusterType);

    $SessionObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "GetXtremInternalClusterType" -Value {

        if ($null -eq $cluster) {
            return $this._XtremClusterTypeByIndex[$this._XtremDefaultCluster]
        if ($cluster.GetType().Name -eq "Int32") {
            return $this._XtremClusterTypeByIndex[$cluster]
        return $this._XtremClusterTypeByName[$cluster]

    return $SessionObject

Export-ModuleMember Create-XtremClusterFunctions
Export-ModuleMember Get-XtremXMS
Export-ModuleMember Get-XtremClusters
Export-ModuleMember Get-XtremCluster