
$SnapshotsDefaultProperties = ('name', 'index', 'sys-name', 'creation-time', 'created-from-volume')
$SnapshotSetsDefaultProperties = ('name', 'index', 'sys-name', 'cg-name', 'num-of-vols')



Function Get-XtremSnapshots {
      Displays the list of all Snapshots and their defined parameters.
      .PARAMETER Properties
      Array of properties requested from this call.
        .PARAMETER Filters
      Array of filters for this call.
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON

    Param (
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [string[]]$Property = $SnapshotsDefaultProperties,
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
        [switch]$Full = $false
    $Route = '/types/snapshots'

    if ($Full) { $Property = '' }
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Properties $Property -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -Filters $Filter -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent -Multi -Full:$Full.IsPresent
    $result = formatOutPut $Property $result
    return $result
# [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshots' prop })]
# [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshots' filter })]
# addCompleter Get-XtremSnapshots Property 'snapshots' prop
# addCompleter Get-XtremSnapshots Filter 'snapshots' filter

Function Get-XtremSnapshot {
      Displays details of the selected Snapshot.
      .PARAMETER SnapshotName
      Snapshot's name or index number
      .PARAMETER Properties
      Array of properties requested from this call.
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      Get-XtremSnapshot -SnapshotName testvol

    Param (
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [Alias("Name", "Index")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshots' name })] 
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
    $Route = '/types/snapshots'
    $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $SnapshotName
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -GetProperty $GetProperty -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    $result = formatOutPut $Property $result
    return $result
# [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshots' prop })]
# addCompleter Get-XtremSnapshot Property 'snapshots' prop
Function Remove-XtremSnapshot {
      Enables you to delete a Snapshot.
      .PARAMETER SnapshotName
      Snapshot's name or index number.
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      Remove-XtremSnapshot testSnap

    Param (
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [Alias("Name", "Index")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshots' name })] 
        [bool]$Confirm =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremCLIMode,
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
    $confirmed = IsConfirmed $Confirm
    if (!$confirmed) {
    $Route = '/types/snapshots'
    $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $SnapshotName
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Endpoint $Route -Method DELETE -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    return $result

Function Get-XtremSnapshotSets {
      Displays the list of all Snapshot sets.
      .PARAMETER Properties
      Array of properties requested from this call.
        .PARAMETER Filters
      Array of filters for this call.
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON

    Param (
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshot-sets' prop })] 
        [string[]]$Property = $SnapshotSetsDefaultProperties,
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshot-sets' filter })] 
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
        [switch]$Full = $false
    $Route = '/types/snapshot-sets'

    if ($Full) { $Property = '' }
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Properties $Property -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent -Multi -Full:$Full.IsPresent
    $result = formatOutPut $Property $result
    return $result

Function Get-XtremSnapshotSet {
      Return a specific snapshot-set
     .PARAMETER SnapshotSetName
     Snapshot set's name or index number
     .PARAMETER ShowRest
     Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
     Get-XtremSnapshotSet -SnapshotSetName setName

    Param (
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [Alias("Name", "Index")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshot-sets' name })] 
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshot-sets' prop })] 
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
    $Route = '/types/snapshot-sets'
    $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $SnapshotSetName
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Properties $Property -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    $result = formatOutPut $Property $result
    return $result

Function New-XtremSnapshot {
      Create a Snapshot on a Volume, list of Volumes, Consistency Group, Snapshot Set or Tag List.
      .PARAMETER snapshotType
      The Snapshot is read/write (default) or readonly.
      .PARAMETER SnapSuffix
      A string added after a Snapshot stem name, limited to 64 characters
      .PARAMETER SnapshotSetName
      Snapshot Set name fromwhich to create a new Snapshot
      .PARAMETER NewSnapshotSetName
      The name of the Snapshot Set.
      .PARAMETER ConsistencyGroupName
      Consistency Group name from which to create a new Snapshot
      .PARAMETER VolumeList
      List of Volume names or indexes from which to create a new Snapshot.
      .PARAMETER TagList
      List of Tag names or indexes from which to create a new Snapshot. Please Note: This parameter only supports Snapshots and Volumes.
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      New-XtremSnapshot -NewSnapshotSetName Set1 -SnapSuffix suffix -VolumeList testvol,testvol2

    Param (
        [ValidateSet( 'regular', 'readonly')]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
        [Alias("Name", "Index")]
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshot-sets' name })] 
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'consistency-groups' name })] 
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshot-sets' name })] 
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' name })] 
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'tags' name })] 
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
    $Route = '/types/snapshots'
    $BodyList = @{ }
    AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "snapshot-set-name" -value $NewSnapshotSetName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "consistency-group-id" -value $ConsistencyGroupName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "snapshot-type" -value $snapshotType -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "snap-suffix" -value $SnapSuffix -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "snapshot-set-id" -value $SnapshotSetName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "volume-list" -value $VolumeList -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "tag-list" -value $TagList -list $BodyList
    $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method POST -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    return $result

Function New-XtremSnapshotAndReassign {
      Create a Snapshot and reassign on a Volume, Consistency Group or Snapshot Set.
      .PARAMETER FromConsistencyGroupId
      Consistency Group's name or index number from which to create a new Snapshot.
      .PARAMETER FromSnapshotSetId
      Snapshot Set's name or index number from which to create a new Snapshot.
      .PARAMETER FromSnapshotSetTagId
      Snapshot Set's tag name or index number from which to create a new Snapshot.
      .PARAMETER FromVolumeId
      Volume name or index number from which to create a new Snapshot
      .PARAMETER ToConsistencyGroupId
      Consistency Group's name or index number to which to assign a new Snapshot.
      .PARAMETER ToSnapshotSetId
      Snapshot Set's name or index number to which to assign a new Snapshot.
      .PARAMETER ToSnapshotSetTagId
      Snapshot Set's Tag name or index number to which to assign a new Snapshot.
      .PARAMETER ToVolumeId
      Volume name or index number to which to assign a new Snapshot
      .PARAMETER BackupSnapshotType
      The back-up Snapshot type is regular (default) or readonly
      .PARAMETER BackupSnapSuffix
      Snapshot name suffix
      .PARAMETER NoBackup
      This parameter serves as a flag. If no-backup is included in the request, the source object is removed
      (regardless of the value entered for this property).
      .PARAMETER SnapshotSetName
      The name of the backup Snapshot Set
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      New-XtremSnapshotAndReassign -FromConsistencyGroupId:1 -ToSnapshotSetId:"snapshotset" -BackupSnapSuffix:"suffix" -BackupSnapshotType:"regular"

    Param (
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshot-sets' name })] 
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
    $Route = '/types/snapshot-sets'
    $BodyList = @{ }
    AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "from-consistency-group-id" -value $FromConsistencyGroupId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "from-snapshot-set-id" -value $FromSnapshotSetId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "from-snapshot-set-tag-id" -value $FromSnapshotSetTagId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "from-volume-id" -value $FromVolumeId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "to-consistency-group-id" -value $ToConsistencyGroupId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "to-snapshot-set-id" -value $ToSnapshotSetId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "to-snapshot-set-tag-id" -value $ToSnapshotSetTagId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "to-volume-id" -value $ToVolumeId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "backup-snapshot-type" -value $BackupSnapshotType -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "backup-snap-suffix" -value $BackupSnapSuffix -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "no-backup" -value $NoBackup.IsPresent -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "snapshot-set-name" -value $SnapshotSetName -list $BodyList
    $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method POST -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -Username $Username -Password $Password -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    return $result

Function Remove-XtremSnapshotSet {
      Enables you to delete a Snapshot Set.
      .PARAMETER SnapshotSetName
      Snapshot Set's name or index number.
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      Remove-XtremSnapshotSet -SnapshotSetName test

    Param (
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [Alias("Name", "Index")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshot-sets' name })] 
        [bool]$Confirm =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremCLIMode,
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
    $confirmed = IsConfirmed $Confirm
    if (!$confirmed) {
    $Route = '/types/snapshot-sets'
    $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $SnapshotSetName
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method DELETE -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    return $result

Function Set-XtremSnapshotSet {
      Enables you to rename a Snapshot Set.
      .PARAMETER SnapshotSetName
      Snapshot Set's name or index number
      .PARAMETER NewName
      Snapshot Set's new name
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      Set-XtremSnapshotSet -SnapshotSetName Set -NewName NewSet

    Param (
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [Alias("Name", "Index")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshot-sets' name })] 
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
    $Route = '/types/snapshot-sets'
    $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $SnapshotSetName
    $BodyList = @{ }
    AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "new-name" -value $NewName -list $BodyList
    $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -GetProperty $GetProperty -Body $Body -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    return $result

Function Refresh-XtremData {
      Refresh Data
      .PARAMETER FromConsistencyGroupId
      Consistency Group's name or index number.
      .PARAMETER FromSnapshotSetId
      Snapshot Set's name or index number.
      .PARAMETER FromVolumeId
      Volume name or index number.
      .PARAMETER ToConsistencyGroupId
      Consistency Group's name or index number.
      .PARAMETER ToVolumeId
      Volume name or index number
      .PARAMETER BackupSnapSuffix
      .PARAMETER NoBackup
      Disable backup.
      .PARAMETER BackupSnapshotSetName
      The name of the backup Snapshot Set
      .PARAMETER IgnoreEmptyPair
      .PARAMETER DryRun
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      Refresh-XtremData -FromConsistencyGroupId:1 -ToConsistencyGroupId:2

    Param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'fromCG')]
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'consistency-groups' name })] 
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'fromSnap')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'fromSnapTag')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'fromVolume')]
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' name })] 
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'fromCG')]
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'consistency-groups' name })] 
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'fromVolume')]
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' name })] 
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
    $Route = '/commands/volumes/refresh-data/'
    $BodyList = @{ }
    AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "from-consistency-group-id" -value $FromConsistencyGroupId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "from-snapshot-set-id" -value $FromSnapshotSetId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "from-volume-id" -value $FromVolumeId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "to-consistency-group-id" -value $ToConsistencyGroupId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "to-volume-id" -value $ToVolumeId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "backup-snap-suffix" -value $BackupSnapSuffix -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "no-backup" -value $NoBackup.IsPresent -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "snapshot-set-name" -value $BackupSnapshotSetName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "dry-run" -value $DryRun.IsPresent -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "ignore-empty-pair" -value $IgnoreEmptyPair.IsPresent -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "refresh-data" -value $DryRun.IsPresent -list $BodyList

    $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    return $result

Function Restore-XtremData {
      Restore Data
      .PARAMETER FromSnapshotSetId
      Snapshot Set's name or index number.
      .PARAMETER FromVolumeId
      Volume name or index number.
      .PARAMETER ToConsistencyGroupId
      Consistency Group's name or index number.
      .PARAMETER ToVolumeId
      Volume name or index number
      .PARAMETER BackupSnapSuffix
      .PARAMETER NoBackup
      .PARAMETER SnapshotSetName
      The name of the backup Snapshot Set
      .PARAMETER DryRun
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      Restore-XtremData -FromSnapshotSetId:1 -ToConsistencyGroupId:2

    Param (
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'snapshot-sets' name })] 
        [switch]$DryRun = $false,
        [object]$Session =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
    $Route = '/commands/volumes/restore-data/'
    $BodyList = @{ }
    AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "from-snapshot-set-id" -value $FromSnapshotSetId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "from-volume-id" -value $FromVolumeId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "to-consistency-group-id" -value $ToConsistencyGroupId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "to-volume-id" -value $ToVolumeId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "backup-snap-suffix" -value $BackupSnapSuffix -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "no-backup" -value $NoBackup.IsPresent -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "snapshot-set-name" -value $SnapshotSetName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "dry-run" -value $DryRun.IsPresent -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "created-by-external-client" -value $IgnoreEmptyPair.IsPresent -list $BodyList
    $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    return $result

Export-ModuleMember *-* -Alias *