
$volumeDefaultProps = ('name', 'index', 'vol-size', 'logical-space-in-use', 'naa-name', 'creation-time', 'iops')
# to out in a file
# Add-Content out.txt $vals

# startMeasureTime
# stopMeasureTime 'volume mod includes'
##################### Completers templates #####################
[Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' name })]
[Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' prop })]
[Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' filter })]
if($Full){ $Property = '' }
$result = formatOutPut $Property $result
return $result

Function Get-XtremVolumes {
      Displays the list of all Volumes and their defined parameters.
      .PARAMETER Properties
      Array of properties requested from this call.
      .PARAMETER Filter
      Array of filters for this call.
      Get-XtremVolumes -Filters "vol-type:eq:regular"
      Get-XtremVolumes -prop name,vol-size
      Get-XtremVolumes -Full
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' prop })]    
        [array]$Property = $volumeDefaultProps,
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' filter })]  
        [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
        [switch]$Full = $false

    $Route = '/types/volumes'

    if($Full){ $Property = '' }

    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Properties $Property -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -Filters $Filter -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent -Multi -Full:$Full.IsPresent

    $result = formatOutPut $Property $result

    return $result

Function Get-XtremVolume {
      Displays details of the selected Volume. Use completer: [TAB] to circle or [Ctrl]+[Space] to view/select values.
      .PARAMETER VolName
      Volume's name or index number. Use [TAB] to circle or [Ctrl]+[Space] to view/select values.
      .PARAMETER Properties
      Array of properties requested from this call. Use [TAB] to circle or [Ctrl]+[Space] to view/select values.
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      Get-XtremVolume -VolName testvol
      Get-XtremVolume -VolName testvol -properties name,vol-size
    Param (
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' name })] 
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' prop })] 
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)
    $Route = '/types/volumes'
    $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $VolName
    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method GET -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName  -GetProperty $GetProperty -Properties $Property -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    $result = formatOutPut $Property $result

    return $result
Function New-XtremVolume {
      Enables you to create a new Volume.
      .PARAMETER VolName
      Volume name.
      .PARAMETER VolumeSize
      Volume disk space size in: M(MB)/G(GB)/T(TB)/P(PB).
      .PARAMETER Lbsize
      Logical block size in bytes
      .PARAMETER SmallIoAlerts
      Enable or disable small input/output Alerts.
      .PARAMETER UnalignedIoAlerts
      Enable or disable unaligned I/O Alerts
      .PARAMETER AlignmentOffset
      The alignment offset for Volumes of 512 LB size is between 0 and 7. If omitted, the offset value is 0. Volumes of logical
      block size 4096 must not be defined with an offset.
      .PARAMETER VaaiTpAlerts
      Enable or disable VAAI TP Alerts.
      .PARAMETER TagList
      Tag ID list, list of ids: name or index
      .PARAMETER ManagmentLocked
      Swtich to Set managment locked on the new volume.
        .PARAMETER QoSEnabledMode
      .PARAMETER QoSPolicyId
      .PARAMETER Properties
      Array of properties requested from this call.
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      New-XtremVolume -volname testvol -volsize 1048m

        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' name })]
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'qos-policies' name })] 
        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession)
    $Route = '/types/volumes'
    $BodyList = @{}

    $IsClusterX2 = $false;

    $ClusterType = $Session.GetXtremInternalClusterType($XtremClusterName)
    if ($ClusterType -eq 'X2')    {
        $IsClusterX2 = $true;

    AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "vol-name" -value $volName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "vol-size" -value $volSize -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "lb-size" -value $LBSize -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "alignment-offset" -value $AlignmentOffset -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "small-io-alerts" -value $SmallIoAlerts -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "unaligned-io-alerts" -value $UnalignedIoAlerts -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "vaai-tp-alerts" -value $VaaiTpAlerts -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "tag-list" -value $TagList -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "qos-enabled-mode" -value $QoSEnabledMode -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "qos-policy-id" -value $QoSPolicyId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "created-by-external-client" -value 'PowerShell' -list $BodyList

    if ($ManagmentLocked.IsPresent -and $IsClusterX2) {
        AddIfExists -name "management-locked" -value "true" -list $BodyList

    $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList

    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method POST -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    return $result

Function Set-XtremVolume {
      Enables you to modify properties of the selected Volume.
      .PARAMETER VolName
      Volume name or index number
      .PARAMETER UnalignedIoAlerts
      Enable or disable unaligned input/output Alerts.
      .PARAMETER SmallIoAlerts
      Enable or disable small input/output Alerts
      .PARAMETER VaaiTpAlerts
      Enable or disable VAAI TP Alerts.
      .PARAMETER VolAccess
      A Volume is created with write access rights. Volumes can be modified after being created and have their access levels' changed.
      .PARAMETER NewVolName
      New volume name.
      .PARAMETER VolumeSize
      Volume disk space size in: M(MB)/G(GB)/T(TB)/P(PB).
      .PARAMETER ManagmentLocked
      Set managment locked on the volume. can be True or False.
      .PARAMETER QoSEnabledMode
        .PARAMETER QoSPolicyId
      .PARAMETER RemoveQoSPolicy
      Remove associated QoS policy.
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      Set-XtremVolume -VolName testvol -SmallIoAlerts disabled
      Set-XtremVolume -xioname -username admin -password Xtrem10 -volname testvol -volsize 1048m

        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' name })] 
        [ValidateSet('write_access', 'read_access', 'no_access')]
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'qos-policies' name })] 
        [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession),

    $Route = '/types/volumes'
    $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $VolName

    $BodyList = @{}

    $IsClusterX2 = $false;
    $ClusterType = $Session.GetXtremInternalClusterType($XtremClusterName)
    if ($ClusterType -eq 'X2') {
        $IsClusterX2 = $true;
    AddIfExists -name "cluster-id" -value $XtremClusterName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "vol-name" -value $NewVolName -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "vol-size" -value $VolSize -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "small-io-alerts" -value $SmallIoAlerts -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "unaligned-io-alerts" -value $UnalignedIoAlerts -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "vaai-tp-alerts" -value $VaaiTpAlerts -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "vol-access" -value $VolAccess -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "qos-enabled-mode" -value $QoSEnabledMode -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "qos-policy-id" -value $QoSPolicyId -list $BodyList
    AddIfExists -name "remove-qos-policy" -value $RemoveQoSPolicy.IsPresent -list $BodyList
    if ($ManagmentLocked -ne $null -and $IsClusterX2) {
        if ($ManagmentLocked -eq $True) {
            AddIfExists -name "management-locked" -value "enabled" -list $BodyList
        } else {
            AddIfExists -name "management-locked" -value "disabled" -list $BodyList
    $Body = BuildXtremJson -list $BodyList

    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method PUT -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -Body $Body -ObjectSelection $ObjectSelection -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent

    return $result

#Deletes a Volume
Function Remove-XtremVolume {
      Enables you to delete a Volume.
      .PARAMETER VolName
      Volume's name or index number.
      .PARAMETER ShowRest
      Return an object represents the REST operation including URI , Method and JSON
      Remove-XtremVolume -VolName testvol

        $XtremClusterName =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremClusterName,
        [Argumentcompleter( { doComplete $args 'volumes' name })] 
        [bool]$Confirm =  (Get-XtremDefaultSession)._XtremCLIMode,
        [object]$Session = (Get-XtremDefaultSession),
    $confirmed = IsConfirmed $Confirm
    if (!$confirmed) {

    $Route = '/types/volumes'
    $Route, $GetProperty = SetParametersForRequest $Route $VolName

    $result = NewXtremRequest -Method DELETE -Endpoint $Route -Session $Session -XtremClusterName $XtremClusterName -GetProperty $GetProperty -ShowRest:$ShowRest.IsPresent
    return $result

Export-ModuleMember *-* -Alias *