
    Yodel is a PowerShell module for querying databases using the native .NET
    ADO.NET data access framework.
    # Usage
    ## SQL Server
    The simplest command to use is `Invoke-YSqlServerCommand`. It connects to a
    SQL Server instance and database, runs a query, and closes the connection.
    Pass the name of the SQL Server instance to the `SqlServerName` parameter
    (`.` or the machine name for the default instance, `HOSTNAME\INSTANCE` for a
    named instance), the name of the database to the `Database` parameter, and
    the query to the `Text` parameter:
        > Invoke-YSqlServerCommand -SqlServerName '.' -DatabaseName 'master' -Text 'select 1 First, 2, 3'
        First Column0 Column1
        ----- ------- -------
            1 2 3
    You'll get an object back for each row returned. Each object will have
    properties for each column. If a column doesn't have a name, Yodel will use
    a generic `ColumnX` name, where X is an incrementing number.
    If you have a query that returns a single value, use the `-AsScalar` switch:
        > Invoke-YSqlServerCommand -SqlServerName '.' -DatabaseName 'master' -Text 'select 1' -AsScalar
    If your query doesn't return any results, use the `-NonQuery` switch. It
    will return the number of rows inserted/deleted (if any).
        > Invoke-YSqlServerCommand -SqlServerName '.' -DatabaseName 'master' -Text 'insert into example (id) values (1),(2),(3),(4)'
    ## Querying Other Databases
    If you need to connect to another database, or need to use the same
    connection to run multiple queries, use `Connect-YDatabase` to connect to a
    database and `Invoke-YDbCommand` to run your queries/commands.
    `Connect-YDatabase` takes a `System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory` instance
    and uses that object to create the connection and connection string. .NET
    has built-in providers for SQL Server (shown below), Oracle, ODBC, and OLE
    providers (see example further below).
        $connection = Connect-YDatabase -Provider ([Data.SqlClient.SqlProviderFactory]::Instance) `
                                        -ConnectionString 'some connection string'
            Invoke-YDbCommand -Connection $connection
            # Don't forget to close the connection!
    The `Invoke-YDbCommand` takes in a generic ADO.NET connection (a class that
    inherits from `System.Data.Common.DbConnection`). It calls `CreateCommand()`
    on the connection. So, you can create your own connection and pass it to
        $connection = New-Object 'Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection'
        $connection.ConnectionString = 'some connection string'
        # Do some custom configuration on the connection.
            Invoke-YDbCommand -Connection $connection -Text 'select 1'
            # Don't forget to close the connection!
    Full examples are available on the [project website](https://github.com/webmd-health-services/Yodel)
    and in the help documentation for each function.