
#### FUNCTIONS ####
   Returns Installed and Issued license of the RD Farm
   Uses WMI to querie the license servers and fetches the installed license and issued license
   Get-RDLicenseReport -computername LIC001

Function Get-RDLicenseReport
        # Param1 help description
        [alias('LicenseServer') ]

        $fileName = (Invoke-WmiMethod Win32_TSLicenseReport -Name GenerateReportEx -ComputerName $ComputerName).FileName
        $summaryEntries = (Get-WmiObject Win32_TSLicenseReport -ComputerName $ComputerName|Where-Object FileName -eq $fileName).FetchReportSummaryEntries(0,0).ReportSummaryEntries
        return $summaryEntries

   Sends RD License Report in a mail
   Sends RD License Report in a mail
   Send-RDLicenseReport -SMTPServer contoso-com.mail.protection.outlook.com -to test@contoso.com -computername LIC001 -Organisation "Contoso"

Function Send-RDLicenseReport
        # The SMTP server used to send the mai

        # Mail address to send the mail to

        # License server ComputerName

        # The organisation where the report is run

        $report = Get-RDLicenseReport -ComputerName $Computername

        Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -from RDLicenseReport@contoso.com -to $To -Subject "$Organisation RDLicense Summary Report" -body "Dear Reader, `n `nYou can find the current $Organisation license consumption below: `n `nProduct Version: $($report.ProductVersion) `nInstalled Licenses: $($report.InstalledLicenses) `nIssued Licenses: $($report.IssuedLicenses)"

   Gets all the A records of the given DNS zone
   This function gets all the A Records of a DNS zone and returns them in a variable. To run this function the dnsserver powershell module must be installed.
   Get-AllDNSRecords -dnsserver dc01.contoso.com -dnszone contoso.com

Function Get-AllDNSRecords
        # Provide a DNS server hosting the DNS zone

        # Provide a DNS server hosting the DNS zone

        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$ComputerName", "Getting all DNS records from zone $Zone"))
                $records = Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName $Zone -ComputerName $ComputerName -EA stop
                Write-Verbose "Retrieved all DNS records from zone $zone"
                return ,$records
                Write-Error "Unable to get DNS records from zone $zone on server $ComputerName"