
Join a Zoom Meeting
ID of meeting to join (may include hyphens), full meeting URL, or full meeting URL with password
Password to join meeting, if not included in MeetingID
Start-ZoomMeeting -MeetingID "123-4444-5555"
Connect to meeting using only meeting ID
Start-ZoomMeeting -MeetingID "123-4444-5555" -Password "422562"
Connect to meeting using meeting ID and password
Start-ZoomMeeting -MeetingID 99922224444
Connect to meeting using only meeting ID
Start-ZoomMeeting -MeetingID ""
Connect to meeting using URL
Start-ZoomMeeting -MeetingID ""
Connect to meeting using URL with password included

function Start-ZoomMeeting {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $MeetingID,
        [String] $Password

    # Extract Password from URL
    if (!$Password) {
        $Parts = $MeetingID -split "pwd="

        if ($Parts.Count -gt 1) {
            # There's a password included, use it
            $Password = $Parts[1]

    # Get the MeetingID, if they've supplied a URL
    $MeetingID = $MeetingID -replace "\?pwd=$Password"
    $MeetingIDParts = $MeetingID -split "/"
    $MeetingID = $MeetingIDParts[$MeetingIDParts.Count - 1]
    $MeetingID = $MeetingID -replace "-"

    Start-Process -FilePath "zoommtg://$MeetingID&pwd=$Password"