
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.DismountSecretProvider">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Disable an already-enabled auth provider.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>auth-disable</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            Once the auth provider is disabled its path can no longer be used
            to authenticate.
            </para><para type="description">
            All access tokens generated via the disabled auth provider
            will be revoked.This command will block until all tokens are revoked.
            If the command is exited early the tokens will still be revoked.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.DismountSecretProvider.MountName">
            <para type="description">
            One or more paths at which auth providers are mounted.
            If an auth provider is mounted at multiple paths, each representing
            a different instance (with different configuration), this identifies
            the specific instance to disable.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.DismountAuthProvider">
            <para type="synopsis">Disable an already-enabled auth provider.
            <para type="description">
            Once the auth provider is disabled its path can no longer be used
            to authenticate. All access tokens generated via the disabled auth provider
            will be revoked. This command will block until all tokens are revoked.
            If the command is exited early the tokens will still be revoked.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.DismountAuthProvider.MountName">
            <para type="description">The name that identifies the mount point.</para>
            <para type="description">
            This should map to the <c>MountName</c> used for
            <c>Mount-AuthProvider</c>. If no <c>MountName</c> was provided
            when mounting, you should use the provider type (e.g. "file").
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.DismountAuditProvider">
            <summary >
            <para type="synopsis">Disable an audit provider.</para>
            <para type="description">
            Once the audit backend is disabled no more audit logs will be sent to
            it. The data associated with the audit backend isn't affected.
            </para><para type="description">
            The <see cref="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.DismountAuditProvider.MountName"/> parameter should map to the
            <see cref="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuditProvider.MountName"/>used in
            <see cref="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuditProvider"/>. If no <c>MountName</c> was provided
            when mounting, you should use the provider type (e.g. "file").
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.DismountAuditProvider.MountName">
            <para type="description">The name that identifies the mount point.</para>
            <para type="description">
            This should map to the <c>MountName</c> used for
            <c>Mount-AuditProvider</c>. If no <c>MountName</c> was provided
            when mounting, you should use the provider type (e.g. "file").
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetAuthToken">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Retrieves information about tokens.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>token-lookup</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            You can use this command to retrieve a list of tokens, or
            to get information about specific tokens, either by their
            ID (token value) or the associated token 'accessor'.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetAuthToken.Token">
            <para type="description">
            The token ID to lookup.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetAuthToken.Accessor">
            <para type="description">
            The accessor of a token to lookup.
            </para><para type="description">
            Note that the response will not contain the token ID.
            Accessor is only meant for looking up the token properties.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetAuthToken.Self">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates to do a lookup of the currently authenticated token (lookup-self).
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetAuthToken.ListAccessors">
            <para type="description">
            Lists the accessors of existing tokens.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetAuthToken.KeepSecretWrapper">
            <para type="description">
            When specified, the returned result maintains the meta data wrapper
            for the secret result.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Internal.PSLambdaProperty`1">
            A specialization of a <see cref="T:System.Management.Automation.PSPropertyInfo"/> that supports defining
            getter and setter logic as lambdas.
        <member name="M:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Internal.PSLambdaProperty`1.#ctor(System.String,System.Func{`0},System.Action{`0})">
            Constructs with a name and a getter lambda, and an optional setter lambda.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Internal.PSLambdaProperty`2">
            A specialization of a <see cref="T:System.Management.Automation.PSPropertyInfo"/> that supports defining
            getter and setter logic as lambdas that take a context argument.
        <member name="M:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Internal.PSLambdaProperty`2.#ctor(System.String,`1,System.Func{`1,`0},System.Action{`1,`0})">
            Constructs with a name and a getter lambda, and an optional setter lambda.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Internal.PSLambdaMethod">
            A specialization of a <see cref="T:System.Management.Automation.PSMethodInfo"/> that supports defining
            the invocation handling logic as a lambda.
        <member name="M:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Internal.PSLambdaMethod.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Type},System.Action{System.Object[]})">
            Constructs with a name and an invocation-handling lambda.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Internal.PSLambdaMethod`1">
            A specialization of a <see cref="T:System.Management.Automation.PSMethodInfo"/> that supports defining
            the invocation handling logic as a lambda that returns a result.
        <member name="M:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Internal.PSLambdaMethod`1.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Type},System.Func{System.Object[],`0})">
            Constructs with a name and an invocation-handling lambda that returns a result.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Model.GetProfileResult">
            <para type="description">
            Captures the result of profile listing or retrieval from the
            user's profile store.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Model.InitializeResult">
            <para type="description">
            This class represents a container for the credentials returned from initializing
            a Vault instance.
            <para type="description">
            This class is intentionally implemented in a non-straightforward way in order to
            capture and present all the contained elements in the best possible manner to the
            end user.
            </para><para type="description">
            If a user simply invokes the Init cmdlet without saving the returned output, the
            way this result object is defined will present to the user all of the elements
            such that they can be retroactively captured in a typical PS console. (I.e. they
            will not accidentally lose the returned unseal keys and the root token.)
            </para><para type="description">
            Otherwise if the result is captured to a variable, then all the individual elements
            will be accessible as normal as dynamic properties. Additionally the unseal keys
            can be accessed as a collection using a dynamically defined method.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Model.PathHelp">
            <para type="description">Captures help content for a given Vault path.</para>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Model.PathHelp.Help">
            <para type="description">Contains the help content.</para>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Model.PathHelp.SeeAlso">
            <para type="description">Reference to additional related help material.</para>
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Model.TokenAccessorList">
            <para type="description">
            Captures the list of keys representing authentication token accessors.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Model.TokenInfo">
            <para type="description">
            Captures details about authentication tokens.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Model.GenericAuditBackend">
            <para type="description">
            Captures details of a mounted audit provider.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.TestInstance">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Gets the initialization status of Vault.
            <para type="description">
            This is an unauthenticated call and does not use a vault auth token.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuthProvider">
            <para type="synopsis">Enable a new auth provider.</para>
            <para type="description">
            This command enables a new auth provider. An auth provider is responsible
            for authenticating a user and assigning them policies with which they can
            access Vault.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuthProvider.Type">
            <para type="description">
            The type name of the auth provider (e.g. userpass).
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuthProvider.MountName">
            <para type="description">
            Mount point for the auth provider. This defaults
            to the type of the mount. This will make the auth
            provider available at <c>/auth/[path]</c>.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuthProvider.Description">
            <para type="description">
            Human-friendly description of the purpose of the
            auth provider. This shows up in the <c>Get-AuthMounts</c>.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuthProvider.Config">
            Optionally, specifies configuration values to apply to the enabled auth provider.
            This option <i>assumes</i> that the authentication provider type supports a
            configuration child element name <c>config</c>. While many auth providers to
            conform to this pattern, some do not and require specialized configuration
            steps. <b>Please consult the documentation for each specific authentication
            provider type about its specific configuration requirements.</b>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuthProvider.Local">
            <para type="description">
            TODO: This flag is NOT currently supported.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetAuthMounts">
            <para type="synopsis">
            List the available auth provider mounts and auth methods.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'auth'</c> command with the <c>'-methods'</c> parameter.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetAuthMounts.KeepSecretWrapper">
            <para type="description">
            When specified, the returned result maintains the meta data wrapper
            for the secret result.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetAuditMounts">
            <para type="synopsis">
            List the enabled audit backends.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>audit-list</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            The output lists the mounted audit providers and the options for those
            providers. The options may contain sensitive information, and therefore
            only a root Vault user can view this.
            </para><para type="description">
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetAuditMounts.KeepSecretWrapper">
            <para type="description">
            When specified, the returned result maintains the meta data wrapper
            for the secret result.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetKeyStatus">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Provides information about the active encryption key.
            Specifically, the current key term and the key installation time.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>key-status</c> command.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetTokenCapabilities">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Fetch the capabilities of a token on a given path.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>capabilities</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            The capabilities can be fetched for a specific token ID, a
            token accessor or, if neither is provided, for the current
            user client token.
            </para><para type="description">
            If a token does not have any capability on a given path, or if any of the policies
            belonging to the token explicitly have["deny"] capability, or if the argument path
            is invalid, this command will respond with a ["deny"].
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetTokenCapabilities.Path">
            <para type="description">
            One or more paths to get capabilities for.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetTokenCapabilities.Token">
            <para type="description">
            The token ID to inquire capabilities for.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetTokenCapabilities.Accessor">
            <para type="description">
            The token accessor to inquire capabilities for.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetPolicy">
            <para type="synopsis">
            List the policies that are available or read a single policy.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>policies</c> command.
            This command lists the policies that are written to the Vault server.
            If a name of a policy is specified, that policy is outputted.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetPolicy.Name">
            <para type="description">
            The name of one or more policies to retrieve.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetSecretMounts">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Outputs information about the mounted secret providers.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>mounts</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            This command lists the mounted secret providers, their mount points,
            the configured TTLs, and a human-friendly description of the mount point.
            </para><para type="description">
            A TTL of 'system' indicates that the system default is being used.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetSecretMounts.KeepSecretWrapper">
            <para type="description">
            When specified, the returned result maintains the meta data wrapper
            for the secret result.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuditProvider">
            <summary >
            <para type="synopsis">Enable an audit provider.</para>
            <para type="description">
            This command enables an audit backend of type <c>Type</c>. Additional
            options for configuring the audit provider can be specified after the
            type in the same format as the <c>Write-Data</c> command in key/value pairs.
            </para><para type="description">
            For information on available configuration options, please see the
            To configure the file audit provider to write audit logs at the
            path c:\temp\log\audit.log:
              PS> Mount-HCVaultAuditProvider file -Config @{ file_path = "c:\temp\log\audit.log" }
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuditProvider.Type">
            <para type="description">The type name of the audit provider (e.g. file).</para>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuditProvider.MountName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify a unique path for this audit provider. This
            is purely for referencing this audit provider. By
            default this will be the backend type.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuditProvider.Config">
            <para type="description">
            One or more configuration key-value settings.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuditProvider.Description">
            <para type="description">
            A human-friendly description for the provider. This
            shows up only when querying the enabled providers.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountAuditProvider.Local">
            <para type="description">
            TODO: This flag is NOT currently supported.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.InitializeInstance">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Initialize a new Vault server.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>init</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            This command connects to a Vault server and initializes it for the first time.
            This sets up the initial set of master keys and the backend data store structure.
            </para><para type="description">
            This command can't be called on an already-initialized Vault server.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.InitializeInstance.KeyShares">
            <para type="description">
            The number of key shares to split the master key into.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.InitializeInstance.KeyThreshold">
            <para type="description">
            The number of key shares required to reconstruct the master key.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Create a new auth token.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'token-create'</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            This command creates a new token that can be used for authentication.
            This token will be created as a child of your token.The created token
            will inherit your policies, or can be assigned a subset of your policies.
            <para type="description">
            A lease can also be associated with the token.If a lease is not associated
            with the token, then it cannot be renewed.If a lease is associated with
            the token, it will expire after that amount of time unless it is renewed.
            <para type="description">
            Metadata associated with the token(specified with "-metadata") is
            written to the audit log when the token is used.
            <para type="description">
            If a role is specified, the role may override parameters specified here.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.Id">
            <para type="description">
            The token value that clients will use to authenticate with Vault.
            </para><para type="description">
            If not provided this defaults to a 36 character UUID.
            A root token is required to specify the ID of a token.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.DisplayName">
            <para type="description">
            A display name to associate with this token.
            </para><para type="description">
            This is a non-security sensitive value used to help
            identify created secrets, i.e.prefixes.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.InitialTtl">
            <para type="description">
            Initial TTL to associate with the token; renewals can extend this value.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.MaxTtl">
            <para type="description">
            An explicit maximum lifetime for the token. Unlike normal token TTLs,
            which can be renewed up until the maximum TTL set on the auth/token
            mount or the system configuration file, this lifetime is a hard limit
            set on the token itself and cannot be exceeded.
            </para><para type="description">
            This corresponds to the <c>'explicit-max-ttl'</c> vault CLI parameter.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.RenewalPeriod">
            <para type="description">
            <para type="description">
            If specified, the token will be periodic; it will
            have no maximum TTL (unless a MaxTtl is
            also set) but every renewal will use the given
            period. Requires a root/sudo token to use.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.Renewable">
            <para type="description">
            Whether or not the token is renewable to extend its TTL up to Vault's
            configured maximum TTL for tokens.
            </para><para type="description">
            This defaults to true; set to false to disable renewal of this token.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.Metadata">
            <para type="description">
            Metadata to associate with the token.
            </para><para type="description">
            This shows up in the audit log.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.Orphan">
            <para type="description">
            If specified, the token will have no parent.
            </para><para type="description">
            This prevents the new token from being revoked with your token.
            Requires a root/sudo token to use.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.NoDefaultPolicy">
            <para type="description">
            If specified, the token will not have the "default"
            policy included in its policy set.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.Policy">
            <para type="description">
            One ore more policies to associate with this token.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.UseLimit">
            <para type="description">
            The number of times this token can be used until it is
            automatically revoked.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.Role">
            <para type="description">
            If set, the token will be created against the named role.
            </para><para type="description">
            The role may override other parameters. This requires
            the client to have permissions on the appropriate
            endpoint (auth/token/create/[name]).
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.WrapTtl">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that the response should be wrapped in a
            cubbyhole token with the requested TTL.
            </para><para type="description">
            This is a numeric string with an optional suffix "s", "m", or "h";
            if no suffix is specified it will be parsed as seconds.
            </para><para type="description">
            The unwrapped response can be fetched by calling the command
            again but providing the wrapped token ID to the <c>UnwrapToken</c>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuthToken.KeepSecretWrapper">
            <para type="description">
            When specified, the returned result maintains the meta data wrapper
            for the secret result.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RemovePolicy">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Delete a policy with the given name.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'policy-delete'</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            Once the policy is deleted, all users associated with the policy will
            be affected immediately. When a user is associated with a policy that
            doesn't exist, it is identical to not being associated with that policy.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RemovePolicy.Name">
            <para type="description">
            One or policie names to delete.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RevokeSecret">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Revoke a secret by its lease ID.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'revoke'</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            This command revokes a secret by its lease ID that was returned with it.
            Once the key is revoked, it is no longer valid.
            </para><para type="description">
            The related command <c>'Revoke-HCVaultAuthToken'</c> is used to revoke auth tokens.
            <para type="link">Revoke-HCVaultSecret</para>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RevokeSecret.LeaseId">
            <para type="description">
            The lease ID of a secret to be revoked.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RevokeSecret.PathPrefix">
            <para type="description">
            Revoke all secrets with the matching prefix.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RevokeSecret.Force">
            <para type="description">
            Delete the lease even if the actual revocation operation fails.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.UpdateSecretLease">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Renew the lease on a secret, extending the time that it can
            be used before it is revoked by Vault.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'renew'</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            Every secret in Vault has a lease associated with it. If the user of
            the secret wants to use it longer than the lease, then it must be
            renewed. Renewing the lease will not change the contents of the secret.
            </para><para type="description">
            To renew a secret, run this command with the lease ID returned when it
            was read. Optionally, request a specific increment in seconds. Vault
            is not required to honor this request.
            <para type="link">Update-HCVaultAuthToken</para>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.UpdateSecretLease.LeaseId">
            <para type="description">
            The secret lease ID to renew.
            </para><para type="description">
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.UpdateSecretLease.Increment">
            <para type="description">
            The desired increment for the renewal.
            </para><para type="description">
            If not supplied, Vault will use the default TTL. If supplied,
            it may still be ignored. This can be submitted as an integer
            number of seconds or a string duration (e.g. "72h").
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.UpdateSecretLease.KeepSecretWrapper">
            <para type="description">
            When specified, the returned result maintains the meta data wrapper
            for the secret result.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.UpdateAuthToken">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Renew an auth token, extending the amount of time it can be used.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'token-renew'</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            You can either specify a specific token ID or indicate to target
            auth token of the client caller.
            </para><para type="description">
            This command is similar to the command <c>'Update-HCVaultSecretLease'</c>
            which is used for renewing secret leases.
            </para><para type="description">
            An optional increment can be given to request a certain number of seconds to
            increment the lease. This request is advisory; Vault may not adhere to it at all.
            <para type="link">Update-HCVaultSecretLease</para>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.UpdateAuthToken.Token">
            <para type="description">
            The token ID to be renewed.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.UpdateAuthToken.Self">
            <para type="description">
            Specify this switch parameter to indicate the token used by the
            client caller.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.UpdateAuthToken.Increment">
            <para type="description">
            The desired increment for the renewal.
            </para><para type="description">
            If not supplied, Vault will use the default TTL. If supplied,
            it may still be ignored. This can be submitted as an integer
            number of seconds or a string duration (e.g. "72h").
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RevokeAuthToken">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Revoke one or more auth tokens.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'token-revoke'</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            This command revokes auth tokens.
            </para><para type="description">
            The related command <c>'Revoke-HCVaultSecret'</c> is used to revoke secrets.
            </para><para type="description">
            By default a token is revoked along with all of its children.
            </para><para type="description">
            With the <c>'-OrphanChildren'</c> switch parameter, only the token will be revoked
            and all of its children will be orphaned.
            </para><para type="description">
            With the <c>'-PathPrefix'</c> parameter, tokens created from the given auth path
            prefix will be deleted, along with all their children. The path cannot specify
            token values or parts of token values.
            <para type="link">Revoke-HCVaultSecret</para>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RevokeAuthToken.Token">
            <para type="description">
            The token ID to revoke.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RevokeAuthToken.Accessor">
            <para type="description">
            The accessor of the token to revoke.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RevokeAuthToken.Self">
            <para type="description">
            This switch parameter indicates the token of the currently authenticated
            caller should be revoked.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RevokeAuthToken.PathPrefix">
            <para type="description">
            Tokens created from the given auth path prefix will be revoked along
            with all their children.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RevokeAuthToken.OrphanChildren">
            <para type="description">
            This switch parameter indicates only the specific token will be
            revoked and all of its children will be orphaned.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetSecretMountOptions">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Tune configuration options for a mounted secret provider.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'mount-tune'</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            </para><para type="description">
              Set-HCVaultSecretMountOptions -DefaultLeaseTtl 24h secret
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetSecretMountOptions.MountName">
            <para type="description">
            The name of the mount point to adjust configuration options for.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetSecretMountOptions.DefaultLeaseTtl">
            <para type="description">
            Default lease time-to-live for this backend.
            </para><para type="description">
            If not specified, uses the system default, or the previously set value.
            Set to 'system' to explicitly set it to use the system default.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetSecretMountOptions.MaxLeaseTtl">
            <para type="description">
            Max lease time-to-live for this backend.
            </para><para type="description">
            If not specified, uses the system default, or the previously set value.
            Set to 'system' to explicitly set it to use the system default.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountSecretProvider">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Mount a logical secrets provider.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>mount</c> and <c>remount</c> commands.
            <para type="description">
            This command mounts (or remounts) a logical backend for storing and/or
            generating secrets.
            </para><para type="description">
            When remounting, all the secrets from the old path will be revoked, but the
            data associated with the backend(such as configuration), will be preserved.
            This shows an example of remounting an existing mount path.
              Mount-HCVaultSecretProvider -OldMountName secret -NewMountName generic
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountSecretProvider.Type">
            <para type="description">
            The name of the secrets provider to mount (e.g. generic).
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountSecretProvider.MountName">
            <para type="description">
            Mount point for the logical secrets provider.
            </para><para type="description">
            If not specified, this defaults to the name of the type of the mount provider.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountSecretProvider.Description">
            <para type="description">
            Human-friendly description of the purpose for the mount.
            This shows up in the list of mounts.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountSecretProvider.DefaultLeaseTtl">
            <para type="description">
            Default lease time-to-live for this backend. If not specified,
            uses the global default, or the previously set value. Set to
            '0' to explicitly set it to use the global default.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountSecretProvider.MaxLeaseTtl">
            <para type="description">
            Max lease time-to-live for this provider mount. If not specified,
            uses the global default, or the previously set value. Set to '0'
            to explicitly set it to use the global default.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountSecretProvider.OldMountName">
            <para type="description">
            The name that identifies an existing mount point of a secrets provider
            to be relocated.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.MountSecretProvider.NewMountName">
            <para type="description">
            The new name to move an existing secrets provider mount.
            </para><para type="description">
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuth">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Authenticate with Vault against an auth provider using argument
            auth data.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>auth</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            By default, the <c>AuthMethod</c> is assumed to be token.
            If not supplied via the <c>AuthData</c> parameter, a prompt will be issued
            to collect the token ID used to authenticate against the token auth provider.
            </para><para type="description">
            <para type="link">Set-HCVaultProfile</para>
            <para type="link">Get-HCVaultProfile</para>
            An example of authenticating to the 'userpass' auth provider at the
            default mount point.
              $creds = Get-Credential ## Interactively and securely prompt for auth creds
              New-HCVaultAuth -AuthMethod userpass -PathData $creds.Username `
                  -AuthData @{ password = $creds.GetNetworkCredential().Password }
            An example of authenticating to the <c>okta</c> auth provider at the
            non-default mount point 'okta1'.
              $creds = Get-Credential ## Interactively and securely prompt for auth creds
              New-HCVaultAuth -AuthMethod okta -MountName okta1 -PathData $creds.Username `
                  -AuthData @{ password = $creds.GetNetworkCredential().Password }
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuth.AuthMethod">
            <para type="description">
            Selects the authentication method to be used, such as userpass,
            GitHub, or TLS certificates.
            </para><para type="description">
            Each method corresponds to an associated auth provider which defines
            its own set of authentication parameters which are provided via the
            <c>AuthData</c> parameter.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuth.MountName">
            <para type="description">
            The path at which the auth provider is mounted. If an auth provider is mounted at
            multiple paths, this option can be used to authenticate against a specific path
            associated with a specific provider instance (i.e. with a distinct configuration).
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuth.PathData">
            <para type="description">
            Defines the sub-path under the mount to authenticate against.
            </para><para type="description">
            By default authentication is targeted against the <c>login</c>
            sub-path under the mount point of an auth provider instance.
            This parameter allows you to define an additional sub-path to
            the default.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuth.AuthData">
            <para type="description">
            Specifies arbitrary authentication parameters as key-value pairs.
            </para><para type="description">
            Authentication parameters are specific to each authentication
            method, aka auth provider, which define various required or
            optional parameter key names. Refer to the documentation of
            specific auth providers for more details about specific auth
            data key names.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuth.NoVerify">
            <para type="description">
            Do not verify the token after creation; avoids a use count decrement.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuth.KeepSecretWrapper">
            <para type="description">
            When specified, the returned result maintains the meta data wrapper
            for the secret result.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuth.SaveAsProfile">
            <para type="description">
            Saves the result of the new auth token request to a Vault
            connection profile with the argument name.
            </para><para type="description">
            If the profile name already exists, use the <c>Force</c> switch
            parameter to overwrite it, otherwise an error will be raised
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.NewAuth.Force">
            <para type="description">
            When saving the auth token to a profile with the <c>SaveAsProfile</c>
            parameter, use this flag to overwrite an existing profile with the
            same name, otherwise an error will be raised.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RemoveData">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Delete data (secrets or configuration) from Vault.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'delete'</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            Delete sends a delete operation request to the given path.
            </para><para type="description">
            The behavior of the delete is determined by the backend at the given
            path. For example, deleting "aws/policy/ops" will delete the "ops"
            policy for the AWS backend.
            </para><para type="description">
            Use <c>'Get-HCVaultPathHelp'</c> for more details on whether delete is
            supported for a path and what the behavior is.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.RemoveData.Path">
            <para type="description">
            One ore more paths to delete data from.
            </para><para type="description">
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.ReadData">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Read data from Vault.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'read'</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            Reads data at the given path from Vault. This can be used to read secrets
            and configuration as well as generate dynamic values from materialized
            secret providers. Please reference the documentation for the providers
            in use to determine key structure.
            </para><para type="description">
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.ReadData.Path">
            <para type="description">
            One or more paths to read data from.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.ReadData.WrapTtl">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that the response should be wrapped in a
            cubbyhole token with the requested TTL.
            </para><para type="description">
            This is a numeric string with an optional suffix "s", "m", or "h";
            if no suffix is specified it will be parsed as seconds.
            </para><para type="description">
            The unwrapped response can be fetched by calling the command
            again but providing the wrapped token ID to the <c>UnwrapToken</c>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.ReadData.UnwrapToken">
            <para type="description">
            One ore more token ID representing wrapped data returned by a
            prior call of this command with the <c>WrappTtl</c> parameter
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.ReadData.KeepSecretWrapper">
            <para type="description">
            When specified, the returned result maintains the meta data wrapper
            for the secret result.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetPathHelp">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Look up the help for a path.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>path-help</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            All endpoints in Vault from system paths, secret paths, and credential
            providers provide built-in help.
            This command looks up and outputs that help.
            </para><para type="description">
            The command requires that the vault be unsealed, because otherwise
            the mount points of the backends are unknown.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetPathHelp.Path">
            <para type="description">
            One or more paths to get help for.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetDataList">
            <para type="synopsis">
            List data from Vault.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>list</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            Retrieve a listing of available data.
            The data returned, if any, is provider- and endpoint-specific.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetDataList.Path">
            <para type="description">
            One or more paths for which to list data.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetDataList.WrapTtl">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that the response should be wrapped in a
            cubbyhole token with the requested TTL.
            </para><para type="description">
            This is a numeric string with an optional suffix "s", "m", or "h";
            if no suffix is specified it will be parsed as seconds.
            </para><para type="description">
            The unwrapped response can be fetched by calling the command
            again but providing the wrapped token ID to the <c>UnwrapToken</c>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetDataList.UnwrapToken">
            <para type="description">
            One ore more token ID representing wrapped data returned by a
            prior call of this command with the <c>WrappTtl</c> parameter
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetDataList.KeepSecretWrapper">
            <para type="description">
            When specified, the returned result maintains the meta data wrapper
            for the secret result.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.LockServer">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Seal the vault.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'seal'</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            Sealing a vault tells the Vault server to stop responding to any
            access operations until it is unsealed again. A sealed vault throws away
            its master key to unlock the data, so it is physically blocked from
            responding to operations again until the vault is unsealed with
            the "unseal" command or via the API.
            </para><para type="description">
            This command is idempotent, if the vault is already sealed it does nothing.
            </para><para type="description">
            If an unseal has started, sealing the vault will reset the unsealing
            process. You'll have to re-enter every portion of the master key again.
            <para type="link">Unlock-HCVaultServer</para>
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetProfile">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Retrieves the list of Vault connection profiles defined for the
            current user/ or the details of a specific Vault connection profile.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetProfile.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
            The name of one or more profiles for which to return the details.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetProfile.ShowLabels">
            <para type="description">
            If this switch is specified, labels will be included in the result list.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetProfile">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Defines or updates a Vault connection profile.
            <para type="description">
            A connection profile is a named and persisted collection of
            Vault connection attributes, which may include the Vault endpoint
            URL address and a Vault authentication token.
            </para><para type="description">
            Most of the Vault commands (all the ones that interact directly with
            the Vault server) take an optional parameter <c>'-VaultProfile'</c>
            (or the alias <c>'-vp'</c>) to reference a named profile for the current
            user. Additionally, any attributes defined in the profile may be
            individually overridden when being called upon.
            </para><para type="description">
            Beside explicitily defining a profile with this command, you can also
            save a profile as the result of a new authentication via the
            <c>'New-HCVaultAuth'</c> command.
            <para type="link">Get-HCVaultProfile</para>
            <para type="link">New-HCVaultAuth</para>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetProfile.SaveAs">
            <para type="description">
            Specifies the name under which to save the profile.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetProfile.VaultAddress">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the Vault endpoint URL address to include in the profile.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetProfile.VaultToken">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the Vault authentication token to include in the profile.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetProfile.Label">
            <para type="description">
            Provides an optional human-friendly descriptive name to the profile
            for quick and easy recognition upon inspection.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetProfile.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
            Reference an existing profile whose attributes will be copied
            over unless overridden by other parameters.
            </para><para type="description">
            If no overrides are specified, this will create a copy of the
            existing profile being referenced.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetProfile.Force">
            <para type="description">
            This switch parameter must be specified whenever referencing
            a profile name that already exists. Without it, en error will
            be raised.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetProfile.Remove">
            <para type="description">
            This switch parameter is used to remove an existing profile.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.UnlockServer">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Unseal the vault by entering a portion of the master key.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'unseal'</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            Once all portions are entered, the vault will be unsealed.
            </para><para type="description">
            Every Vault server initially starts as sealed. It cannot perform any
            operation except unsealing until it is unsealed. Secrets cannot be accessed
            in any way until the vault is unsealed. This command allows you to enter
            a portion of the master key to unseal the vault.
            </para><para type="description">
            In order to abort the unsealing process and discard any prior keys
            that have already been entered in the process, use the
            <c>'Lock-HCVaultServer'</c> command.
            <para type="link">Lock-HCVaultServer</para>
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.UnlockServer.Key">
            <para type="description">
            One or more unseal keys to apply to the unseal process.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.Global">
            Defines common constants and utility routines.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultBaseCmdlet">
            Base class for most cmdlets that interact with the Vault server.
            This base class defines a common set of base parameters such as specifying
            connection details and commonly used methods.
        <member name="F:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultBaseCmdlet._client">
            Caches the result of the most recent invocation to <see cref="M:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultBaseCmdlet.ResolveVaultClient"/>.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultBaseCmdlet.VaultSession">
            <para type="description">
            Specifies a Vault Session object that represents a connected-state
            container to a Vault server.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultBaseCmdlet.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
            Specifies the name of a persisted Vault connection profile whose
            attributes define default parameters for connecting to a Vault
            server endpoint.
            </para><para type="description">
            Other connection parameters on this command may override whatever
            attributes are defined in the profile.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultBaseCmdlet.VaultAddress">
            <para type="description">
            Specifies the Vault server connection endpoint URL.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultBaseCmdlet.VaultToken">
            <para type="description">
            Specifies the Vault server connection authentication token
            to identify the caller to the server.
        <member name="M:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultBaseCmdlet.ResolveVaultClient">
            Resolves a Vault Client instance based on the common parameters passed into
            this cmdlet instance, the current environment (variables), and the context
            of the invocation, such as user-specific Vault CLI cache and configuration
            files, and PowerShell configuration, such as profiles.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.GetStatus">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Outputs the state of the Vault, sealed or unsealed and if HA is enabled.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>status</c> command.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
            Defines the elements of a Vault connection profile.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultProfile.Label">
            <para type="description">
            An optional human-friendly label for the profile.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultProfile.VaultAddress">
            <para type="description">
            A URL for the Vault server endpoint.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultProfile.VaultToken">
            <para type="description">
            An authentication token to be used to identify the caller
            when interacting with the Vault server.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultSession">
            <para type="description">
            Local state for interacting with a Vault server endpoint.
        <member name="M:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultSession.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
            Creates a session with the two minimum, necessary components
            provided as parameters.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultSession.VaultAddress">
            URL specifying the Vault server endpoint.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.VaultSession.VaultToken">
            The authentication Token to self-identify with to the Vault server.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetPolicy">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Create or update a policy with the given rules.
            </para><para type="synopsis">
            Comparable to the vault CLI <c>'policy-write'</c> command.
            <para type="description">
            If updating an existing policy, the entire contents of the
            existing policy rules definitions will be replaced.
            </para><para type="description">
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetPolicy.Name">
            <para type="description">
            The name of the policy to create or update.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.SetPolicy.Rules">
            <para type="description">
            The rules content to write to the policy definition.
        <member name="T:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.WriteData">
            <para type="synopsis">
            Write data (secrets or configuration) into Vault to a backend provider
            logically mounted at a specified path.
            <para type="description">
            There are 3 different Parameter Sets corresponding to 3 typical usages of
            this cmdlet.
            </para><para type="description">
            In the first (default) usage, a single vault path is specified
            and one or more key-value pairs are provided. The Keys are all provided as
            an array, and the values are all provided as an array, and the length of
            these two arrays must be equal. Additionally, the Keys and Values can be
            provided from the pipeline using objects with the corresponding property
            </para><para type="description">
            In the second and third usages, either a single map of key-values is provided
            or no values are provided at all using the <c>-NoValues</c> switch (some
            vault backends support writing no value to trigger an action or behavior).
            Multiple vault paths are specified into which all will receive the same set
            of data values. Tha Paths can be provided from the pipeline.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.WriteData.Path">
            <para type="description">
            The path to which to write one or more key-value pairs of secrets.
            This parameter set allows you to write multiple key-values to a single path.
            </para><para type="description">
            The behavior of the write is determined by the secret provider mounted
            at the given path. For example, writing to "aws/policy/ops" will create
            an "ops" IAM policy for the AWS secret provider (configuration), but
            writing to "consul/foo" will write ta value directly into Consul at that
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.WriteData.Key">
            <para type="description">
            Specifies one or more keys to set a value for.
            </para><para type="description">
            The count of corresponding values specified with the <c>Value</c>
            parameter must match the count of keys.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.WriteData.Value">
            <para type="description">
            Specifies one or more secret values to set for the corresponding keys.
            </para><para type="description">
            The count of corresponding keys specified with the <c>Key</c> parameter
            must match the count of values.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.WriteData.Paths">
            <para type="description">
            The paths to which to write one ore more key-value pairs.
            This parameter set allows you to write to multiple paths simultaneously.
            </para><para type="description">
            The behavior of the write is determined by the secret provider mounted
            at the given path. For example, writing to "aws/policy/ops" will create
            an "ops" IAM policy for the AWS secret provider (configuration), but
            writing to "consul/foo" will write ta value directly into Consul at that
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.WriteData.Data">
            <para type="description">
            A map of key-value pairs to write to the target path or paths.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.WriteData.NoValues">
            <para type="description">
            Forces the write to without any data values specified. This allows writing
            to keys that do not need or expect any fields to be specified.
        <member name="P:Zyborg.Vault.POSH.WriteData.KeepSecretWrapper">
            <para type="description">
            When specified, the returned result maintains the meta data wrapper
            for the secret result.