
Function Add-RBAC {
        Creates basic OU skeleton for RBAC-oriented AD
        This creates several OUs that will support the RBAC system:
         * OU=Orgs
         * --> OU=Global
         * |--> AdminAccounts
         * |--> Rights
         * |--> Roles
         * |--> NewComputers
         * |--> Users
         * OU=LinuxFeatures
         * --> Sudoroles
         * --> netgroups
        It also creates some basic rights and roles (security groups) and GPOs based on the Global template.

    Begin {
        $shouldProcess = @{
            Confirm = [bool]($ConfirmPreference -eq "low")
            Whatif = [bool]($WhatIfPreference.IsPresent)
            verbose = [bool]($VerbosePreference -ne "SilentlyContinue")
        $ResetRoleMembershipParam = @{
            ResetRoleMembership = [bool]($ResetRoleMembership)
        Add-OUStructureFromTemplate @OrgsOUStruct @shouldProcess @ResetRoleMembershipParam
        Add-OUStructureFromTemplate @LinuxFeaturesOUStruct @shouldProcess @ResetRoleMembershipParam
        Add-OUStructureFromTemplate @GlobalOUStruct -Template $GlobalTemplate @shouldProcess @ResetRoleMembershipParam
        # Region Very nasty hack, this needs to be rolled into add-oustructureFromTemplate
        $GPOSpecList = foreach ($GPO in $GlobalTemplate.GPOs) {
                Org = "Global"
                GPOTemplate = $GPO
        if ($GPOSpecList) {
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Creating GPOs")) {
                $GPOSpecList | CreateOrSetGPO
        if ((test-rbacFeatures).LAPS) {
            set-LapsADComputerSelfPermission -Identity $GlobalOUStruct.path            

        $UsersDN = "OU={0},OU={1},{2}" -f $UsersOU,$,$GlobalOUStruct.Path
        $ComputersDN = "OU={0},OU={1},{2}" -f $ComputersOU,$,$GlobalOUStruct.Path

        write-warning "Finished building structure; waiting for AD to settle...."
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $sleepTimeout; $i++) {
            if ([bool](get-adorganizationalUnit $UsersDN)) {
            start-sleep -seconds 1
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UsersDN,"Redirecting default user container")) {
            $status = redirusr $UsersDN
            if ($status -eq "Redirection was successful.") {
                Write-host ("{0,-42} : {1}" -f "Redirected default user DN to", $usersDN)
            } else {
                Write-warning ("{0,-42} : {1}" -f "Failed to redirect default user DN to", $usersDN)
                write-warning ($status -join "`r`n" -replace "`r`n`r`n","`r`n")

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ComputersDN,"Redirecting default computer container")){
            $status = redircmp $ComputersDN
            if ($status -eq "Redirection was successful.") {
                Write-host ("{0,-42} : {1}" -f "Redirected default computer DN to", $ComputersDN)
            } else {
                Write-warning ("{0,-42} : {1}" -f "Failed to redirect default computer DN to", $ComputersDN)
                write-warning ($status -join "`r`n" -replace "`r`n`r`n","`r`n")