
function resolveEntityReferences {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "rightsprefix")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "rightsprefix")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "element")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "element")]
        [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADDirectoryServer]$Server = (get-addomainController -Writable -Discover)
    begin {
        $Netbios = (get-addomain).netBiosName
    Process {
        try {
            if ($rbacElement) {
                if ($includeParents) {
                    if ( $rbacElement.Parents -and $rbacElement.parents.count -ge 1) {
                        $rbacElement.parents.getEnumerator() | foreach-object {
                            if ($_.value.DistinguishedName -eq $rbacElement.DistinguishedName) {
                                throw "Circular reference from {0}, parent {1}" -f $rbacElement.distinguishedName,$_.value.distinguishedName
                            write-loghandler -level "Verbose" -message "Resolving Parent entities..."
                            resolveEntityReferences -rbacElement $_.value -RightsAndPrincipals $RightsAndPrincipals
                    } else {
                        write-loghandler -level "Debug" -message "IncludeParents specified for resolveEntityReference but no parents found on $($rbacElement.distinguishedName)"
                $template = $(
                    switch ($rbacElement.type) {
                        "Global" { $GlobalTemplate}
                        "Org" { $OrgTemplate}
                        "Component" { $ComponentTemplate}
            } else {
                throw "Missing RBACElement in resolveEntityRef-- this should not happen"
        catch {
            throw $_

        foreach ($item in $RightsAndPrincipals.GetEnumerator()) {
            foreach ($entity in $item.value) {
                write-loghandler -level "Verbose" -message ("Resolving entity reference: {0} : {1}" -f $item.key, $entity)
                if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($entity) ) {
                    $NotFoundResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Name           = $null
                        ObjectSID      = $Null
                        ObjectClass    = "Unknown"
                        NetBIOS        = $null
                        SAMAccountName = $null
                    switch ($item.key) {
                        "SIDS" {
                            $FilterType = "ObjectSID"
                            $FilterValue = $entity
                            $filter = "$filterType -eq '$filterValue'"
                            $NotFoundResult.ObjectSID = $entity
                        "Principals" {
                            $FilterType = "Name"
                            $FilterValue = $entity
                            $filter = "$filterType -eq '$filterValue'"
                            $NotFoundResult.Name = $entity
                        "Rights" {
                            $RightDefinition = $Template['DefaultRights'].where({$_.nameSuffix -eq $entity})
                            $rightsPrefix = "{1}-{2}" -f $prePrefix,$Settings.Names.RightsName,$rbacelement.objectMidName
                            $FilterType = "Name"
                            $FilterValue = "{0}-{1}" -f $RightsPrefix, $entity
                            if ($rightDefinition.count -eq 1) {
                                if (-not $rightDefinition.DoNotPrefixGroupName) {
                                    $FilterValue = "{0}{1}" -f $settings['Names']['RightsPrefix'], $FilterValue
                                    write-loghandler -level "Verbose" -message "Adding Rights Prefix, new filtervalue $filterValue"
                                } else {
                                    write-loghandler -level "Verbose" -message "SKIPPING Rights Prefix for $entity"
                                $filter = "$filterType -eq '$filterValue'"
                            } else {
                                write-loghandler -level "warning" -message "Failed to get hard ID on $entity in resolveEntityReferences"
                                $filter = "$filterType -eq '$filterValue' -or $filterType -eq '$RightPrefix$filterValue'"
                            $NotFoundResult.Name = $FilterValue
                            $NotFoundResult.ObjectClass = "Group"
                    #$Filter = "{0} -eq '{1}'" -f $FilterType, $FilterValue
                    $foundObjects = get-adObject -server $server -filter $Filter -properties ObjectSID | select-object Name, ObjectSID, ObjectClass
                    if (-not $foundObjects) {
                        $foundObjects = $NotFoundResult
                    $FoundObjects | foreach-object {
                            Type        = $item.key
                            Name        = $
                            SID         = $_.ObjectSID
                            ObjectClass = $_.objectClass
                            GPORef      = if ($_.objectSID) { "*$($_.ObjectSID)" } else { $ }
                            StdRef      = if ($_.objectSID) { $_.ObjectSID } else { $ }
                            # This shouldnt be null, if we have a name we should use it.
                            NetBIOS     = if ( -not $null -eq $_.SAMAccountName) {
                                "{0}\{1}" -f $netBios, $
                            elseif ( -not $null -eq $ ) {
                                "{0}\{1}" -f $netBios, $
                            else { $null }