
Exports DataBricks jobs and Saves as json.
Exports Databricks jobs and saves as json.
Azure Region - must match the URL of your Databricks workspace, example northeurope
.PARAMETER LocalOutputPath
Local directroy to save json files.
The job config to export as a json file.
Export-DatabricksJobConfigAsJson -Region $config.Region -LocalOutputPath $localOutputPath -JobConfig $job -Verbose
Author: Sabin IO
Function Export-DatabricksJobConfigAsJson {  
         [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$LocalOutputPath,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][psobject]$JobConfig
    $jobName =$ | Remove-UnwantedFilenameChars
    $jobFileName = $jobName + '.job.config.json'

    <# We need to replace the existing cluster id with a named cluster for cross workspace #>
    if (($JobConfig.PSObject.Properties.Item('existing_cluster_id'))) {
        Write-Output "Job Name $($ has existing_cluster_id, replacing with existing_cluster_name"
        $cluster = Get-DatabricksClusters -ClusterId $JobConfig.existing_cluster_id
        $JobConfig | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'existing_cluster_name' -NotePropertyValue $cluster.cluster_name

    <# Shallow sort job config into ordered hashtable for source control purposes #>
    if (($JobConfig.PSObject.Properties.Item('new_cluster'))) {
        $new_cluster = $JobConfig.new_cluster | Remove-JobNewClusterMetaDataAsPSObject
        $new_cluster_sorted = $new_cluster | ConvertTo-OrderedHashtableFromPSCustomObject
        $new_cluster_psobject = [PSCustomObject]$new_cluster_sorted
        $JobConfig | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'new_cluster' -NotePropertyValue $new_cluster_psobject
    $tmp = $JobConfig | Remove-JobMetaDataAsPSObject
    $JobConfigAsJson = $tmp | ConvertTo-OrderedHashtableFromPSCustomObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
    $LocalExportPath = Join-Path $LocalOutputPath $jobFileName
    Write-Output "Exporting job `"$($jobName)`" to `"$($LocalExportPath)`""
    New-Item -Force -Path $LocalExportPath -Value $JobConfigAsJson -Type file | Out-Null 