
Exports DataBricks Jobs and Saves as json.
Exports Databricks Jobs and saves as json.
Configuration json file
.PARAMETER localOutputPath
The folder path of the jobs to export as a json file(s).
Export-DatabricksJobsFromWorkspace -config $config-LocalOutputPath '.\output'
Author: Sabin IO
Function Export-DatabricksJobsFromWorkspace {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$config,  
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$localOutputPath
    try {
        $jobs = Get-DatabricksJobs 
        $noneExistantJobs = @()
        $existentJobs = @()

        if (($config.PSObject.Properties.Item('getJobsByName') -and ($config.PSObject.Properties.Item('getJobsLikeByName')))) {
            Write-Error "getJobsByName and getJobsLikeByName have been supplied. Please only use one or the other!"
        if ($config.getJobsByName) {
            Write-Output "getJobsByName config key supplied"
            if ($config.getJobsByName.Length -ge 1) {
                if ($config.getJobsByName[0].ToString().ToUpper() -eq "ALL") {
                    Write-Output "All parameter supplied. Pulling all cluster configurations."
                    foreach ($job in $jobs) {
                        if ($ -ne "AzDO Execution" -and $ -ne "Untitled") {
                            Export-DatabricksJobConfigAsJson -LocalOutputPath $localOutputPath -JobConfig $job.settings -Verbose 
                else {
                    # Check if jobs exist in the first place
                    foreach ($jobName in $config.getJobsByName) {
                        if ($jobName -notin $ {
                            $noneExistantJobs += $jobName
                        else {
                            $existentJobs += $jobName
                    if ($noneExistantJobs) {
                        Write-Warning "There are jobs that do not exist to get, These will be skipped. `n`n $($noneExistantJobs)"
                    foreach ($job in $jobs) {
                        if ($ -in $existentJobs) {

                            Export-DatabricksJobConfigAsJson `
                                -LocalOutputPath $localOutputPath `
                                -JobConfig $job.settings `
        else {
            Write-Output "getJobsByName config key not supplied"

        if ($config.getJobsLikeByName) {
            Write-Output "getJobsLikeByName config key supplied"
            if ($config.getJobsLikeByName.Length -ge 1) {
                foreach ($job in $jobs) {
                    foreach ($jobLike in $config.getJobsLikeByName) {
                        if ($ -like "$($jobLike)") {

                            Export-DatabricksJobConfigAsJson `
                                -LocalOutputPath $localOutputPath `
                                -JobConfig $job.settings `

        else {
            Write-Output "getJobsLikeByName config key not supplied"
    catch {
        #uh oh
        throw $_.Exception