
Deploys DataBricks Cluster from configuration json file to a workspace
Deploys DataBricks Cluster from configuration json file to a workspace
Configuration json file from the environment used to workout whether to deploy a clusters from a folder or file(s)
.PARAMETER bearerToken
Your Databricks Bearer token to authenticate to your workspace (see User Settings in Datatbricks WebUI)
.PARAMETER clusterConfig
The name path of the clusters configuration files.
Publish-DatabricksClusterSingletonToWorkspaceByName -config $config -bearerToken 'dapi1234567890' -clusterConfig '<path-to-file>'
Author: Sabin IO
Function Publish-DatabricksClusterSingletonToWorkspaceByName {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$config,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$bearerToken,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$clusterConfig
    try {

        $cluster = Get-Content -Raw -Path $clusterConfig | ConvertFrom-Json

        $Spark_conf = @{}
        $CustomTags = @{}
        $InitScripts = @()
        $SparkEnvVars = @{}

        if ($cluster.spark_conf) {
            $cluster.spark_conf.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $Spark_conf[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
        if ($cluster.custom_tags) {
            $cluster.custom_tags.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $CustomTags[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
        if ($cluster.init_scripts) {
            $cluster.init_scripts | ForEach-Object { $InitScripts += $_.dbfs.destination }
        if ($cluster.spark_env_vars) {
            $cluster.spark_env_vars.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $SparkEnvVars[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
        New-DatabricksCluster -BearerToken $bearerToken -Region $config.Region `
            -ClusterName $cluster.cluster_name `
            -SparkVersion $cluster.spark_version `
            -NodeType $cluster.node_type_id `
            -DriverNodeType $cluster.driver_node_type_id `
            -MinNumberOfWorkers $cluster.autoscale.min_workers `
            -MaxNumberOfWorkers $cluster.autoscale.max_workers `
            -AutoTerminationMinutes $cluster.autotermination_minutes `
            -Spark_conf $Spark_conf `
            -CustomTags $CustomTags `
            -InitScripts $InitScripts `
            -SparkEnvVars $SparkEnvVars `
            -PythonVersion 3
    catch {
        #uh oh
        throw $_.Exception