
Deploys DataBricks Cluster from configuration json file to a workspace
Deploys DataBricks Cluster from configuration json file to a workspace
Configuration json file from the environment used to workout whether to deploy a clusters from a folder or file(s)
.PARAMETER clusterConfig
The name path of the clusters configuration files.
Publish-DatabricksClusterConfigToWorkspace -config $config -bearerToken 'dapi1234567890' -clusterConfig '<path-to-file>'
Author: Sabin IO
Function Publish-DatabricksClusterConfigToWorkspace {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$clusterConfig
    if (Test-Path $clusterConfig) {
        Write-Host "Publishing cluster config in path$clusterConfig"
        try {
            $cluster = Get-Content -Raw -Path $clusterConfig | ConvertFrom-Json
            $ExistingClusterConfig = Get-DatabricksClusters | Where-Object { $_.cluster_name -eq $cluster.cluster_name } 
            $ClusterId = $ExistingClusterConfig.cluster_id
            $ExistingClusterConfig | Remove-ClusterMetaDataAsPSObject

            if ($ExistingClusterConfig) {
                $Diffs = Compare-DatabricksCluster -cluster $cluster -ExistingClusterConfig $ExistingClusterConfig
                if ($Diffs.Count -gt 0) {
                    Write-Verbose "Cluster `"$($cluster.cluster_name)`" exists - updating cluster"
                    New-DatabricksCluster -InputObject $cluster
                else {
                    Write-Warning "Cluster `"$($cluster.cluster_name)`" unchanged - not deploying to prevent unnecessary restart of cluster"
                return $ClusterId
            else {
                Write-Host "No cluster found with this name `"$($cluster.cluster_name)`" - creating new cluster"
                New-DatabricksCluster -InputObject $cluster
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception
    else {
        throw $_.Exception