
Function Remove-WorkspaceNotebooks {
    param($FolderContents, $Path, $localPath, $Format = "SOURCE", $results, [array]$IgnoreFolderArray)
    if ($IgnoreFolderArray -notcontains "__pycache__") { $IgnoreFolderArray += "__pycache__" }
    $myArray = @()
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('results') -eq $false) {
        $results = @{
            RemovedFolders   = 0
            RemovedNotebooks = 0
            SkippedFolders   = 0
            SkippedNotebooks = 0

    ForEach ($Object In $FolderContents) {
        if ($Object.object_type -eq "DIRECTORY") {
            $PathName = ($Object.path).Replace($Path, "")
            if (($PathName.startswith("/")) -eq $false) {
                $PathName = "/" + $PathName
            $currentLocation = ($Object.path).Replace($Path, "")
            $LocalExportFolderPath = Join-Path $LocalPath $PathName
            $FolderName = $PathName.split('/')[-1]
            Write-Verbose "Object Path: $($Object.path)"
            Write-Verbose "Folder Name: $FolderName"
            Write-Verbose "Path Name: $PathName"
            Write-Verbose "Current location $currentLocation"
            Write-Verbose "Local export path: $LocalExportFolderPath"
            if ($IgnoreFolderArray -notcontains $FolderName) {
                try {
                    If ((Test-Path $LocalExportFolderPath) -eq $true) {
                        $subFolderContents = Get-DatabricksWorkspaceFolder -Path $Object.path 
                        Remove-WorkspaceNotebooks -FolderContents $subFolderContents -Path $Path -localPath $localPath -results $results | Out-Null
                    else {
                        $myArray += $currentLocation
                        Write-Host "Folder $($currentLocation) doesn't exist locally, removing..."
                        Remove-DatabricksNotebook -Path $PathName -Recursive
                        $results.RemovedFolders ++
                catch {
                    Write-Host "Ran into an issue: "
                    Write-Host "Object Path: $($Object.path)"
                    Write-Verbose "Folder Name: $FolderName"
                    Write-Host "Path Name: $PathName"
                    Write-Host "Current location $currentLocation"
                    Write-Host "Local export path: $LocalExportFolderPath"
            else {
                Write-Verbose "$FolderName is included in `$IgnoreFolderArray param, skipping."
                $results.SkippedFolders ++
        elseif ($Object.object_type -eq "NOTEBOOK") {
            $Skip = 0
            $Notebook = $Object.path
            $FolderNames = $Object.path.Split("/")
            $IgnoreFolderArray | ForEach-Object {
                if ($FolderNames -contains $_) {
                    Write-Verbose "`Directory path of notebook contains the `$IgnoreFolderArray folder [$_]; as this notebook exists under this folder it will not be removed."
                    $Skip = 1
                    $results.SkippedNotebooks ++
            if ($Skip -ne 1) {
                $NotebookLanguage = $Object.language
                switch ($format) {
                    "SOURCE" {
                        $FileExtentions = @{"PYTHON" = ".py"; "SCALA" = ".scala"; "SQL" = ".sql"; "R" = ".r" }
                        $FileExt = $FileExtentions[$notebookLanguage]
                    "HTML" {
                        $FileExt = ".html"
                    "JUPYTER" {
                        $FileExt = ".ipynb"
                    "DBC" {
                        $FileExt = ".dbc"
                $LocalExportPath = $Notebook.Replace($Path + "/", "") + $FileExt
                $LocalExportPath = Join-Path $LocalPath $LocalExportPath
                Write-Verbose "Object Path: $($Object.path)"
                Write-Verbose "Local export path: $LocalExportPath"
                If ((Test-Path $LocalExportPath) -ne $true) {
                    $myArray += $object.Path
                    Write-Host "File $($object.Path) doesn't exist locally, removing..."
                    Remove-DatabricksNotebook -Path $Object.Path
                    $results.RemovedNotebooks ++
    return $results