
Exports DataBricks Jobs and Saves as json.
Exports Databricks Jobs and saves as json.
Configuration json file
.PARAMETER bearerToken
Your Databricks Bearer token to authenticate to your workspace (see User Settings in Datatbricks WebUI)
.PARAMETER localOutputPath
The folder path of the jobs to export as a json file(s).
Export-DatabricksJobsFromWorkspace -config $config -bearerToken 'dapi1234567890' -LocalOutputPath '.\output'
Author: Sabin IO
Function Export-DatabricksJobsFromWorkspace {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$config,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$bearerToken,    
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$localOutputPath
    try {
        $jobs = Get-DatabricksJobs -BearerToken $bearerToken -Region $config.Region 
        $noneExistantJobs = @()
        $existentJobs = @()

        if (($config.PSObject.Properties.Item('getJobsByName') -and ($config.PSObject.Properties.Item('getJobsLikeByName')))) {
            Write-Error "getJobsByName and getJobsLikeByName have been supplied. Please only use one or the other!"
        if ($config.getJobsByName) {
            Write-Output "getJobsByName config key supplied"
            if ($config.getJobsByName.Length -ge 1) {
                if ($config.getJobsByName[0].ToString().ToUpper() -eq "ALL") {
                    Write-Output "All parameter supplied. Pulling all cluster configurations."
                    foreach ($job in $jobs) {
                        if ($ -ne "AzDO Execution" -and $ -ne "Untitled") {
                            Export-DatabricksJobConfigAsJson -BearerToken $bearerToken -Region $config.Region -LocalOutputPath $localOutputPath -JobConfig $job.settings -Verbose 
                else {
                    # Check if jobs exist in the first place
                    foreach ($jobName in $config.getJobsByName) {
                        if ($jobName -notin $ {
                            $noneExistantJobs += $jobName
                        else {
                            $existentJobs += $jobName
                    if ($noneExistantJobs) {
                        Write-Warning "There are jobs that do not exist to get, These will be skipped. `n`n $($noneExistantJobs)"
                    foreach ($job in $jobs) {
                        if ($ -in $existentJobs) {

                            Export-DatabricksJobConfigAsJson -BearerToken $bearerToken `
                                -Region $config.Region `
                                -LocalOutputPath $localOutputPath `
                                -JobConfig $job.settings `
        else {
            Write-Output "getJobsByName config key not supplied"

        if ($config.getJobsLikeByName) {
            Write-Output "getJobsLikeByName config key supplied"
            if ($config.getJobsLikeByName.Length -ge 1) {
                foreach ($job in $jobs) {
                    foreach ($jobLike in $config.getJobsLikeByName) {
                        if ($ -like "$($jobLike)") {

                            Export-DatabricksJobConfigAsJson -BearerToken $bearerToken `
                                -Region $config.Region `
                                -LocalOutputPath $localOutputPath `
                                -JobConfig $job.settings `

        else {
            Write-Output "getJobsLikeByName config key not supplied"
    catch {
        #uh oh
        throw $_.Exception