
    Gets paths to business transaction metrics
    Gets paths to business transaction metrics
    PS C:\> Get-AppDBTMetricPath -AppId 6

    Returns the metric paths to all business transactions of application 6

function Get-AppDBTMetricPath
        # Mandatory application ID.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline)]

        # Use the name of the application if you do not know the AppId

        # Optional Id of a business transaction
    Begin {
        Write-AppDLog "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
        $AppId = Test-AppId -AppDId $AppId -AppDName $AppName

        # Get Business transactions
        if ($BTId) {
            $BTs = (Get-AppDBTs -Appid $AppId) | Where-Object {$ -in $BTId}
        else {
            $BTs = (Get-AppDBTs -Appid $AppId)

        if (!$BTs) {
            $msg = "Failed to find business transactions"
            Write-AppDLog -Message $msg -Level 'Error'
            Throw $msg

        foreach ($bt in $BTs) {
            $MetricPath = [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode("$($bt.applicationComponentName)|$($bt.internalName)")
            Write-Output $MetricPath