
    Gets all AppDynamics events of a given type
    Gets all AppDynamics events of a given type.
    PS C:\> Get-AppDEvent -AppId 6 -daysago 7 -eventtype 'APPLICATION_DEPLOYMENT' -severities 'INFO'

    This will return the last 7 days of application deployment events

function Get-AppDEvent
        # Mandatory application ID.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline)]

        # Use the name of the application if you do not know the AppId
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline)]

        # Type of the event. See for potential types

        # Severity of the event
        $Severities = 'INFO,WARN,ERROR',

        # Type of time range to use

        # Specify the duration (in minutes) to return the metric data. Only applicable if TimeRangeType is BEFORE_NOW, BEFORE_TIME or AFTER_TIME

        # Specify the start time from which the metric data is returned

        # Specify the end time from which the metric data is returned
        Write-AppDLog "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

        $connectionInfo = New-AppDConnection
        function Test-DurationInMins($duration) {
                Write-AppDLog "DurationInMins must be supplied with this event type" -Level 'Error' -ErrorAction Stop

        function Get-TimeInMS($time, $type) {
                Write-AppDLog "$type must be supplied with this event type" -Level 'Error' -ErrorAction Stop

            Write-Output (ConvertTo-EpochTime -datetime (Get-Date $time))

        # Validation
        switch ($TimeRangeType) {
            'BEFORE_NOW' {
                Test-DurationInMins -duration $DurationInMins
                $TimeRangeString = "duration-in-mins=$DurationInMins"
            'BEFORE_TIME' {
                $endTimeInMS = Get-TimeInMS -time $EndTime -type 'end-time'
                Test-DurationInMins -duration $DurationInMins
                $TimeRangeString = "end-time=$endTimeInMS&duration-in-mins=$DurationInMins"
            'AFTER_TIME' {
                $startTimeInMS = Get-TimeInMS -time $StartTime -type 'start-time'
                Test-DurationInMins -duration $DurationInMins
                $TimeRangeString = "start-time=$startTimeInMS&duration-in-mins=$DurationInMins"
            'BETWEEN_TIMES' {
                $startTimeInMS = Get-TimeInMS -time $StartTime -type 'start-time'
                $endTimeInMS = Get-TimeInMS -time $EndTime -type 'end-time'

                if ($startTimeInMS -ge $endTimeInMS) {
                    Write-AppDLog "StartTime must be less than EndTime" -Level 'Error' -ErrorAction Stop

                $TimeRangeString = "start-time=$startTimeInMS&end-time=$endTimeInMS"
        $AppId = Test-AppId -AppDId $AppId -AppDName $AppName

        foreach ($id in $AppId) {
            $response = Get-AppDResource -uri "controller/rest/applications/$id/events?event-types=$eventType&severities=$severities&time-range-type=$TimeRangeType&$TimeRangeString&output=JSON" -connectionInfo $connectionInfo
            foreach ($res in $response) {
                $res.eventTime = ConvertFrom-EpochTime -epochTime $res.eventTime -ToLocal
            Write-Output $response