
function Test-AzTemplate
    [Alias('Test-AzureRMTemplate')] # Added for backward compat with MP
Tests an Azure Resource Manager Template
Validates one or more Azure Resource Manager Templates.
Test-AzTemplate validates an Azure Resource Manager template using a number of small test scripts.

Test scripts can be found in /testcases/GroupName, or provided with the -TestScript parameter.

Each test script has access to a set of well-known variables:

* TemplateFullPath (The full path to the template file)
* TemplateFileName (The name of the template file)
* TemplateText (The template text)
* TemplateObject (The template object)
* FolderName (The name of the directory containing the template file)
* FolderFiles (a hashtable of each file in the folder)
* IsMainTemplate (a boolean indicating if the template file name is mainTemplate.json)
* CreateUIDefintionFullPath (the full path to createUIDefintion.json)
* CreateUIDefinitionText (the text of createUIDefintion.json)
* CreateUIDefinitionObject ( the createUIDefintion object)
* HasCreateUIDefintion (a boolean indicating if the directory includes createUIDefintion.json)
* MainTemplateText (the text of the main template file)
* MainTemplateObject (the main template file, converted from JSON)
* MainTemplateResources (the resources and child resources of the main template)
* MainTemplateParameters (a hashtable containing the parameters found in the main template)
* MainTemplateVariables (a hashtable containing the variables found in the main template)
* MainTemplateOutputs (a hashtable containing the outputs found in the main template)


    # The path to an Azure resource manager template

    # One or more test cases or groups. If this parameter is provided, only those test cases and groups will be run.

    # If provided, will only validate files in the template directory matching one of these wildcards.

    # A set of test cases. If not provided, the files in /testcases will be used as input.
        foreach ($k in $_.Keys) {
            if ($k -isnot [string]) {
                throw "All keys must be strings"
        foreach ($v in $_.Values) {
            if ($v -isnot [ScriptBlock] -and $v -isnot [string]) {
                throw "All values must be script blocks or strings"
        return $true
    $TestCase = [Ordered]@{},

    # A set of test groups. Test groups will be automatically populated by the directory names in /testcases.
        foreach ($k in $_.Keys) {
            if ($k -isnot [string]) {
                throw "All keys must be strings"
        foreach ($v in $_.Values) {
            if ($v -isnot [string]) {
                throw "All values must be strings"
        return $true
    $TestGroup = [Ordered]@{},

    # Any additional parameters to pass to each test.
    # This can be used to supply custom information to validate.
    # For example, passing -TestParameter @{testDate=[DateTime]::Now.AddYears(-1)}
    # will pass a a custom value to any test with the parameter $TestDate.
    # If the parameter does not exist for a given test case, it will be ignored.

    # If provided, will skip any tests in this list.

    # If set, will run tests in Pester.

    begin {
        # First off, let's get all of the built-in test scripts.
        $testCaseSubdirectory = 'testcases'
        $myLocation =  $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.File
        $testScripts= @($myLocation| # To do that, we start from the current file,
            Split-Path | # get the current directory,
            Get-ChildItem -Filter $testCaseSubdirectory | # get the cases directory,
            Get-ChildItem -Filter *.test.ps1 -Recurse)  # and get all test.ps1 files within it.

        $builtInTestCases = @{}
        # Next we'll define some human-friendly built-in groups.
        $builtInGroups = @{
            'all' = 'deploymentTemplate', 'createUIDefinition'
            'mainTemplateTests' = 'deploymentTemplate'

        # Now we loop over each potential test script
        foreach ($testScript  in $testScripts) {
            # The test file name (minus .test.ps1) becomes the name of the test.
            $TestName = $testScript.Name -ireplace '\.test\.ps1$', '' -replace '_', ' ' -replace '-', ' '
            $testDirName = $testScript.Directory.Name
            if ($testDirName -ne $testCaseSubdirectory) { # If the test case was in a subdirectory
                if (-not $builtInGroups.$testDirName) {
                    $builtInGroups.$testDirName = @()
                # then the subdirectory name is the name of the test group.
                $builtInGroups.$testDirName += $TestName
            } else {
                # If there was no subdirectory, put the test in a special group called "ungrouped".
                if (-not $builtInGroups.Ungrouped) {
                    $builtInGroups.Ungrouped = @()
                $builtInGroups.Ungrouped += $TestName
            $builtInTestCases[$testName] = $testScript.Fullname

        # This lets our built-in groups be automatically defined by their file structure.

        if (-not $script:AlreadyLoadedCache) { $script:AlreadyLoadedCache = @{} }
        # Next we want to load the cached items
        $cacheDir = $myLocation | Split-Path | Join-Path -ChildPath cache
        $cacheItemNames = @(foreach ($cacheFile in (Get-ChildItem -Path $cacheDir -Filter *.cache.json)) {
            $cacheName = $cacheFile.Name -replace '\.cache\.json', ''
            if (-not $script:AlreadyLoadedCache[$cacheFile.Name]) {
                $script:AlreadyLoadedCache[$cacheFile.Name] =
                    [IO.File]::ReadAllText($cacheFile.Fullname) | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\ConvertFrom-Json

            $cacheData = $script:AlreadyLoadedCache[$cacheFile.Name]
            $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($cacheName, $cacheData)

        # Next we want to declare some internal functions:
        #*Test-Case (executes a test, given a set of parameters)
        function Test-Case($TheTest, $TestParameters = @{}) {
            $testCommandParameters =
                if ($TheTest -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                    $function:f = $TheTest
                    Remove-Item function:f
                } elseif ($TheTest -is [string]) {
                    $testCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($TheTest, 'ExternalScript')
                    if (-not $testCmd) { return }
                } else {
            $testInput = @{} + $TestParameters

            foreach ($k in @($testInput.Keys)) {
                if (-not $testCommandParameters.ContainsKey($k)) {

            :IfNotMissingMandatory do {
                foreach ($tcp in $testCommandParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
                    foreach ($attr in $tcp.Value.Attributes) {
                        if ($attr.Mandatory -and -not $testInput[$tcp.Key]) {
                            Write-Warning "Skipped because $($tcp.Key) was missing"
                            break IfNotMissingMandatory

                if (-not $Pester) {
                    & $TheTest @testInput 2>&1 3>&1
                } else {
                    & $TheTest @testInput
            } while ($false)

        #*Test-Group (executes a group of tests)
        function Test-Group {
            $testQueue = [Collections.Queue]::new(@($GroupName))
            while ($testQueue.Count) {
                $dq = $testQueue.Dequeue()
                if ($TestGroup.$dq) {
                    foreach ($_ in $TestGroup.$dq) {

                if ($ValidTestList -and $ValidTestList -notcontains $dq) {

                if (-not $Pester) {
                    $testStartedAt = [DateTime]::Now
                    $testCaseOutput = Test-Case $testCase.$dq $TestInput 2>&1 3>&1
                    $testTook = [DateTime]::Now - $testStartedAt

                    $testErrors = [Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                    $testWarnings = [Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                    $testOutput = [Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                    foreach ($_ in $testCaseOutput) {
                            if ($_ -is [Exception] -or $_ -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) {
                            elseif ($_ -is [Management.Automation.WarningRecord]) {
                            } else {

                    New-Object PSObject -Property ([Ordered]@{
                        pstypename = 'Template.Validation.Test.Result'
                        Errors = $testErrors
                        Warnings = $testWarnings
                        Output = $testOutput
                        AllOutput = $testCaseOutput
                        Passed = $testErrors.Count -lt 1
                        Group = $GroupName
                        Name = $dq
                        Timespan = $testTook
                        File = $fileInfo
                } else {
                    it $dq {
                        # Pester tests only fail on a terminating error,
                        $errorMessages = Test-Case $testCase.$dq $TestInput 2>&1 |
                            Where-Object { $_ -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] } |
                            # so collect all non-terminating errors.
                            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Exception |
                            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Message

                        if ($errorMessages) { # If any were found,
                            throw ($errorMessages -join ([Environment]::NewLine)) # throw.

        #*Test-FileList (tests a list of files)
        function Test-FileList {
            foreach ($fileInfo in $FolderFiles) { # We loop over each file in the folder.
                $matchingGroups =
                    @(if ($fileInfo.Schema) { # If a given file has a schema,
                        foreach ($key in $TestGroup.Keys) { # and it matches the name of the testgroup
                            if ("$key".StartsWith("_") -or "$key".StartsWith('.')) { continue }
                            if ($fileInfo.Schema -match $key) {
                                $key # then run that group of tests.
                    } else {
                        foreach ($key in $TestGroup.Keys) { # If it didn't have a schema
                            if ($fileInfo.Extension -eq '.json') { # and it was a JSON file
                                $fn = $fileInfo.Name -ireplace '\.json$',''
                                if ($fn -match $key) { # check to see if it's name matches the key
                                    $key; continue # (this handles CreateUIDefinition.json, even if no schema is present).
                                if ($key -eq 'DeploymentTemplate' -and # Otherwise, if we're checking the deploymentTemplate
                                    'mainTemplate.json', 'azuredeploy.json', 'prereq.azuredeploy.json' -contains $fn) { # and the file name is something we _know_ will be an ARM template
                                    $key; continue # then run the deployment tests regardless of schema.
                            if (-not ("$key".StartsWith('_') -or "$key".StartsWith('.'))) { continue } # Last, check if the test group is for a file extension.
                            if ($fileInfo.Extension -eq "$key".Replace('_', '.')) { # If it was, run tests associated with that extension.

                if ($TestGroup.Ungrouped) {
                    $matchingGroups += 'Ungrouped'

                if (-not $matchingGroups) { continue }
                if ($fileInfo.Schema -like '*deploymentTemplate*') {
                    $isMainTemplate = 'mainTemplate.json', 'azureDeploy.json', 'prereq.azuredeploy.json' -contains $fileInfo.Name
                    $templateFileName = $fileInfo.Name
                    $TemplateObject = $fileInfo.Object
                    $TemplateText = $fileInfo.Text
                foreach ($groupName in $matchingGroups) {
                    $testInput = @{}
                    foreach ($_ in $WellKnownVariables) {
                        $testInput[$_] = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($_).Value
                    $ValidTestList = if ($test) {
                        $testList = @(Get-TestGroups ($test -replace '[_-]',' ') -includeTest)
                        if (-not $testList) {
                            Write-Warning "Test '$test' was not found, all tests will be run"
                        if ($skip) {
                            foreach ($tl in $testList) {
                                if ($skip -replace '[_-]', ' ' -notcontains $tl) {
                        } else {
                    } elseif ($skip) {
                        $testList = @(Get-TestGroups -GroupName $groupName -includeTest)
                        foreach ($tl in $testList) {
                            if ($skip -replace '[_-]', ' ' -notcontains $tl) {
                    } else {
                    if (-not $Pester) {
                        $context = "$($fileInfo.Name)->$groupName"
                    } else {
                        context "$($fileInfo.Name)->$groupName" ${function:Test-Group}



        #*Get-TestGroups (expands nested test groups)
        function Get-TestGroups([string[]]$GroupName, [switch]$includeTest) {
            foreach ($gn in $GroupName) {
                if ($TestGroup[$gn]) {
                    Get-TestGroups $testGroup[$gn] -includeTest:$includeTest
                } elseif ($IncludeTest -and $TestCase[$gn]) {

        $accumulatedTemplates = [Collections.Arraylist]::new()

    process {
        # If no template was passed,
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NearbyTemplate') {
            # attempt to find one in the current directory and it's subdirectories
            $possibleJsonFiles = @(Get-ChildItem -Filter *.json -Recurse |
                Sort-Object Name -Descending | # (sort by name descending so that MainTemplate.json comes first).
                Where-Object {
                    'azureDeploy.json', 'mainTemplate.json' -contains $_.Name

            # If more than one template was found, warn which one we'll be testing.
            if ($possibleJsonFiles.Count -gt 1) {
                Write-Error "More than one potential template file found beneath '$pwd'. Please have only azureDeploy.json or mainTemplate.json, not both."

            # If no potential files were found, write and error and return.
            if (-not $possibleJsonFiles) {
                Write-Error "No potential templates found beneath '$pwd'. Templates should be named azureDeploy.json or mainTemplate.json."

            # If we could find a potential json file, recursively call yourself.
            $possibleJsonFiles |
                Select-Object -First 1 |
                Test-AzTemplate @PSBoundParameters


        # First, merge the built-in groups and test cases with any supplied by the user.
        foreach ($kv in $builtInGroups.GetEnumerator()) {
            if (-not $testGroup[$kv.Key]) {
                $TestGroup[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value
        foreach ($kv in $builtInTestCases.GetEnumerator()) {
            if (-not $testCase[$kv.Key]) {
                $TestCase[$kv.Key]= $kv.Value

        $null = $accumulatedTemplates.Add($TemplatePath)

    end {
        $c, $t = 0, $accumulatedTemplates.Count
        $progId = Get-Random

        foreach ($TemplatePath in $accumulatedTemplates) {
            $p = $c * 100 / $t
            $templateFileName = $TemplatePath | Split-Path -Leaf
            Write-Progress "Validating Templates" "$templateFileName" -PercentComplete $p -Id $progId
            $expandedTemplate =Expand-AzTemplate -TemplatePath $templatePath
            if (-not $expandedTemplate) { continue }
            foreach ($kv in $expandedTemplate.GetEnumerator()) {
                $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($kv.Key, $kv.Value)
            $wellKnownVariables = @($expandedTemplate.Keys) + $cacheItemNames

            if ($testParameter) {
                $wellKnownVariables += foreach ($kv in $testParameter.GetEnumerator()) {
                    $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($kv.Key, $kv.Value)

            # If a file list was provided,
            if ($PSBoundParameters.File) {
                $FolderFiles = @(foreach ($ff in $FolderFiles) { # filter the folder files.
                    $matched = @(foreach ($_ in $file) {
                        $ff.Name -like $_ # If file the name matched any of valid patterns.
                    if ($matched -eq $true)
                        $ff # then we include it.

            # Now that the filelist and test groups are set up, we use Test-FileList to test the list of files.
            if ($Pester) {
                $IsPesterLoaded? = $(
                    $loadedModules = Get-module
                    foreach ($_ in $loadedModules) {
                        if ($_.Name -eq 'Pester') {
                $DoesPesterExist? =
                    if ($IsPesterLoaded?) {
                    } else {

                        if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Unix') {
                            $delimiter = ':' # used for bash
                        } else {
                            $delimiter = ';' # used for windows

                        $env:PSModulePath -split $delimiter |
                        Get-ChildItem -Filter Pester |
                        Import-Module -Global -PassThru

                if (-not $DoesPesterExist?){
                    Write-Warning "Pester not found. Please install Pester (Install-Module Pester)"
                    $Pester = $false

            if (-not $Pester) { # If we're not running Pester,
                Test-FileList # we just call it directly.
            else {
                # If we're running Pester, we pass the function defintion as a parameter to describe.
                describe "Validating Azure Template $TemplateName" ${function:Test-FileList}


        Write-Progress "Validating Templates" "Complete" -Completed -Id $progId