
    Ensures allowed values in CreateUIDefinition are allowed in MainTemplate
    Ensures the values in each CreateUIDefinition control are allowed in the corresponding MainTemplate parameter.




$progressId = [Random]::new().Next()
$count = 0 

Write-Progress -Id $progressId "Finding Controls" " " 

# Find any item property in CreateUIDefinition that uses allowedValues
$allowedValues = @($CreateUIDefinitionObject | 
    Find-JsonContent -Key allowedValues -Value * -Like)
foreach ($av in $allowedValues) { # Walk thru each thing we find.
    # First we need to find the control's associated output.
    $parent = $av.ParentObject[0] 
    $controlName = $parent.Name
    $p = $count * 100/ $allowedValues.Count
    Write-Progress -Id $progressId "Checking Controls $($controlName)" " " -PercentComplete $p
    $stepName = $av.ParentObject[1].name # If the grandparent object has a name field, we're in steps
    $lookingFor= if ($stepName) { "*steps(*$stepName*).$controlName*"} else {"*basics(*$($controlName)*"} 
    $theOutput = foreach ($out in $CreateUIDefinitionObject.parameters.outputs.psobject.properties) {
        if ($out.Value -like $lookingFor) { 
            $out; break

    # If we couldn't find the matching output
    if (-not $theOutput) {
        if ($CreateUIDefinitionText -notmatch "\.$($parent.Name)") { # and the control is not referred to elsewhere
            # write an error.
            Write-Error "Could not find $($parent.Name) in outputs" -TargetObject $parent
        # Regardless, if we couldn't find the step in outputs, we move onto the next control with allowed values.

    $MainTemplateParam = $MainTemplateParameters[$theOutput.Name]

    # If it didn't exist in the mainTemplate
    if (-not $MainTemplateParam) {
        # write an error and move onto the next item
        Write-Error "CreateUIDefinition has parameter $($parent.Name), but it is missing from main template parameters "-TargetObject $parent

    # Now create a list of all allowed values
    $reallyAllowedValues = @(foreach ($v in $av.allowedValues) {
        if ($v.psobject.properties.Item('Value')) { # they can either be in a 'value' property
        } else { # or just there as a string

    if ($MainTemplateParam.allowedValues) { # If the main template parameter has allowed values
        :CheckNextValue # then we want to check each value in order to see if it's permitted.
            foreach ($rv in $reallyAllowedValues) {
                foreach ($v in $MainTemplateParam.allowedValues) {
                    if ($v -like "*$rv*") { continue CheckNextValue }
                Write-Error "CreateUIDefinition parameter $($parent.Name) with value $rv is not allowed in the main template parameter $($theOutput.Name)" -ErrorId Allowed.Value.Mismatch

    if ($MainTemplateParam.defaultValue -and # If the main template has a default value
        $reallyAllowedValues -notcontains $MainTemplateParam.defaultValue) { # and the allowedValues list doesn't contain it.
        $foundDefaultValue = $false
        :CheckNextValue # then we want to check each value in order to see if it's permitted.
            foreach ($rv in $reallyAllowedValues) {
                foreach ($v in $MainTemplateParam.allowedValues) {
                    if ($v -like "*$($MainTemplateParam.defaultValue)*") { 
                        $foundDefaultValue = $true
                        break CheckNextValue 
        if (-not $foundDefaultValue) {
            Write-Error "CreateUIDefinition parameter $($parent.Name) is not allowed in the main template parameter $($theOutput.Name)" -ErrorId Allowed.Value.Default.Mismatch