
    Ensures that the .location field exists in .outputs.
    Ensures that the .location field exists in .outputs, and is [location()]
    Test-AzTemplate -TemplatePath .\100-marketplace-sample -Test Location-Should-Be-In-Outputs
    .\Location-Should-Be-In-Outputs.test.ps1 ([PSCustomObject]@{BadInput=$true})

    Bad: {},
    Good: {
        parameters: {
            outputs: {

if (-not $CreateUIDefinitionObject.parameters.outputs) { # If CreateUIDefinition has no outputs
    Write-Error "Outputs is missing from CreateUIDefinition" -ErrorId CreateUIDefinition.Missing.Outputs # error
    return # and return.
if (-not $CreateUIDefinitionObject.parameters.outputs.location) { # If outputs does not have a location
    Write-Error "Location is missing from outputs" -ErrorId CreateUIDefinition.Missing.Outputs.Location # error
    return # and return.

if ("$($CreateUIDefinitionObject.parameters.outputs.location)".Trim() -ne '[location()]') { # Last, make sure that the location's trimmed value is [location()].
    Write-Error "CreateUIDefinition.outputs.location must be [location()]" -ErrorId CreateUIDefinition.Incorrect.Outputs.Location -TargetObject $CreateUIDefinitionObject.parameters.outputs.location