
    Ensures Deployment Resources Must not use DebugSetting
    Ensures resources of type Microsoft.Resources/deployments do not have
    their DebugSetting property set (to a value other than 'None').

    DebugSetting may also be an object.
    If this is the case, this object must not have a logDetail property,
    or the DetailLevel property must be set to 'None'.

# The Template Object

$deploymentResources = $TemplateObject.resources | 
    Find-JsonContent -Key type -Value 'Microsoft.Resources/deployments'

foreach ($dr in $deploymentResources) {
    if ($dr.DebugSetting) {
        if ($dr.DebugSetting -is [string] -and  $dr.DebugSetting -ne 'None') {
            Write-Error "Deployment Resources must have no DebugSettings property, or must set it to 'None'" -TargetObject $dr -ErrorId "Deployment.Resource.Has.DebugSetting"
        elseif (
            $dr.DebugSetting -isnot [string] -and 
            $dr.DebugSetting.logDetail -and 
            $dr.DebugSetting.logDetail -ne 'None'
        ) {
            Write-Error "Deployment Resources must have no DebugSettings.logDetail property, or must set it to 'None'" -TargetObject $dr -ErrorId "Deployment.Resource.Has.LogDetail"