
    Ensures that all IDs use the resourceID() function.
    Ensures that all IDs use the resourceID() function, or resolve to parameters or variables that use the ResourceID() function.
    Test-AzTemplate -TemplatePath .\100-marketplace-sample\ -Test IDs-Should-Be-Derived-From-ResourceIDs
    .\IDs-Should-Be-Derived-From-ResourceIDs.test.ps1 -TemplateObject (Get-Content ..\..\..\unit-tests\IDs-Should-Be-Derived-From-ResourceIDs.json -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json)

# The template object (the contents of azureDeploy.json, converted from JSON)

# First, find all objects with an ID property in the MainTemplate.
$ids = $TemplateObject  | Find-JsonContent -Key *id -Like

# If the "Parameters" property or "Outputs" property is in the lineage, skip check

# If the id points to an object, we can skip, unless:
# the object contains a single property Value, which will will treat as the ID

foreach ($id in $ids) { # Then loop over each object with an ID
    $myIdFieldName = $id.PropertyName
    $myId = $id.$myIdFieldName        

    # these properties are exempt, since they are not actually resourceIds
    $exceptions = @(
        "workerSizeId", # Microsoft.Web/serverFarms
        "keyVaultSecretId", # Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways sslCertificates - this is actually a uri created with reference() and concat /secrets/secretname
        "keyId", # Microsoft.Cdn/profiles urlSigningKeys
        "subscriptionId", # Microsoft.Cdn/profiles urlSigningKeys
        "StartingDeviceID", # SQLIaasVMExtension > settings/ServerConfigurationsManagementSettings/SQLStorageUpdateSettings
        "servicePrincipalClientId", # common var name
        "clientId", # Microsoft.BotService - common var name
        "appId", # Microsoft.Insights
        "tenantId", # Common Property name
        "objectId", # Common Property name
        "vlanId", # Unique Id to establish peering when setting up an ExpressRoute circuit
        "SyntheticMonitorId" # Microsoft.Insights/webtests

    if ($exceptions -contains $myIdFieldName) { # We're checking resource ids, not tenant IDs
    if ($id.JsonPath -match '^(parameters|outputs)') {

    if ($myId -isnot [string] -and ($myId -as [float] -eq $null)) {
        if (-not $myId.Value) {
        } else {
            $myId = $myId.Value
            if ($myId -isnot [string]) {

    # Skip this check if the property is within a logic app
    if ( $id.ParentObject.type -imatch '^microsoft\.logic/workflows$' ) {

    # $myId = "$($id.id)".Trim() # Grab the actual ID,
    if (-not $myId) {
        Write-Error "Blank ID Property found: $($id | Out-String)" -TargetObject $id -ErrorId ResourceId.Is.Missing
    $expandedId = Expand-AzTemplate -Expression $myId -InputObject $TemplateObject -Exclude Parameters # then expand it.
    # these are allowed for resourceIds
    $allowedExpressions = @(

    # Check that it uses one of the allowed expressions - can remove variables once Expand-Template does full eval of nested vars
    # REGEX
    # - 0 or more whitespace
    # - [ to make sure it's an expression
    # - expression must be parameters|variables|*resourceId
    # - 0 or more whitespace
    # - opening paren (
    # - 0 or more whitepace
    # - single quote on parameters and variables (resourceId first parameters may not be a literal string)
    $exprMatch = "\s{0,}\[\s{0,}($($allowedExpressions -join '|' ))\s{0,}\(\s{0,}"

    if ($expandedId -is [string] -and ` #if it happens to be an object property, skip it
        $expandedId -notmatch $exprMatch  ){
            Write-Error "Property: `"$($id.propertyName)`" must use one of the following expressions for an resourceId property:
            $($allowedExpressions -join ',')"
             -TargetObject $id -ErrorId ResourceId.Should.Contain.Proper.Expression