
    Ensures that all variables are referenced
    Ensures that all variables declared in a template are in elsewhere in the template.

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]

$findVariableInTemplate = {
    # Create a Regex to find the variable
    process {
        $escapedName = $name -replace '\s', '\s'
            variables # the variables keyword
            \s{0,} # optional whitespace
            \( # opening parenthesis
            \s{0,} # more optional whitespace
            ' # a single quote
            $escapedName # the variable name
            ' # either a single quote
            \s{0,} # more optional whitespace
            \) # closing parenthesis
        # The Regex needs to be case-insensitive
        ).Matches($TemplateText) | 
            Add-Member NoteProperty Name $Name -Force -PassThru

$exprStrOrQuote = [Regex]::new('(?<!\\)[\[\"]', 'RightToLeft')
foreach ($variable in $TemplateObject.variables.psobject.properties) {
    # TODO: if the variable name is "copy": we need to loop through the array and pull each var and check individually
    if ($variable.name -ne 'copy' -and $variable.value.copy -eq $null) {        
        $foundRefs = @(& $findVariableInTemplate $variable.Name)
        if (-not $foundRefs) {
            Write-Error -Message "Unreferenced variable: $($Variable.Name)" -ErrorId Variables.Must.Be.Referenced -TargetObject $variable
        } else {
            foreach ($fr in $foundRefs) {
                $foundQuote =$exprStrOrQuote.Match($TemplateText, $fr.Index)                
                if ($foundQuote.Value -eq '"') {
                    Write-Error -Message "Variable reference is not contained within an expression: $($copyItem.Name)" -ErrorId Variables.Must.Be.Referenced.In.Expression -TargetObject $copyItem
    } else {
        $copyItemList = 
            if ($variable.Name -eq 'copy') {
            } else {
        foreach ($copyItem in $copyItemList) {           
            $foundRefs = @(& $findVariableInTemplate $copyItem.Name)
            if (-not $foundRefs) {
                Write-Error -Message "Unreferenced variable: $($copyItem.Name)" -ErrorId Variables.Must.Be.Referenced -TargetObject $copyItem
            } else {
                foreach ($fr in $foundRefs) {
                    $foundQuote = $exprStrOrQuote.Match($TemplateText, $fr.Index)
                    if ($foundQuote.Value -eq '"') {
                        Write-Error -Message "Variable reference is not contained within an expression: $($copyItem.Name)" -ErrorId Variables.Must.Be.Referenced.In.Expression -TargetObject $copyItem