
function Expand-AzTemplate
        Expands the contents of an Azure Resource Manager template.
        Expands an Azure Resource Manager template and related files into a set of well-known parameters


        Expands an Azure Resource Manager template expression
        Expand-AzTemplate -Expression expands expressions the resolve to a top-level property (e.g. variables or parameters).

        It does not expand recursively, and it does not attempt to evaluate complex expressions.

    # The path to an Azure resource manager template

    # An Azure Template Expression, for example [parameters('foo')].bar.
    # If this expression was expanded, it would look in -InputObject for a .Parameters object containing the property 'foo'.
    # Then it would look in that result for a property named bar.

    # A whitelist of top-level properties to expand.
    # For example, passing -Include Parameters will only expand out the [Parameters()] function

    # A blacklist of top-level properties that will not be expanded.
    # For example, passing -Exclude Parameters will not expand any [Parameters()] function.

    # The object that will be used to evaluate the expression.

    begin {
        function Expand-Resource (

        ) {
            process {
                foreach ($r in $Resource) {
                    $r |
                        Add-Member NoteProperty ParentResources $parent -Force -PassThru

                    if ($r.resources) {
                        $r | Expand-Resource -Parent (@($r) + @(if ($parent) { $parent }))

        $TemplateLanguageExpression = "
\s{0,} # optional whitespace
\[ # opening bracket
(?<Function>\S{1,}) # the top-level function name
(?<Parameters>\( # the opening parenthesis
    (?>[^\(\)]+|\((?<Depth>)|\)(?<-Depth>))*(?(Depth)(?!)) # anything until we're balanced
\)) # the closing parenthesis
(?<Index>\[\d{1,}\]){0,1} # an optional index
(?<Property>\. # a property
    (?<PropertyIndex>\[\d{1,}\]){0,1} # One or more optional properties
\] # closing bracket
\s{0,} # optional whitespace

        $TemplateParametersExpression = "
    (?<Quote>') # a single quote
        (?<StringLiteral>([^']|(?<=')'){1,}) # anything until the next quote (including '')
    \k<Quote>| # a closing quote OR
    (?<Boolean>true|false)| # the literal values true and false OR
    (?<Number>\d[\d\.]{1,})| # a number OR
        (?<Function>\S{1,}) # the top-level function name
        (?<Parameters>\( # the opening parenthesis
            (?>[^\(\)]+|\((?<Depth>)|\)(?<-Depth>))*(?(Depth)(?!)) # anything until we're balanced
        \)) # the closing parenthesis
    (?<Index>\[\d{1,}\]){0,} # One or more indeces
    (?<Property>\.[^\.\s]{1,}){0,} # One or more optional properties

        $regexOptions = 'Multiline,IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace'
        $regexTimeout = [Timespan]::FromSeconds(5)

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'SpecificTemplate') {
            # Now let's try to resolve the template path.
            $resolvedTemplatePath =
                # If the template path doesn't appear to be a path to a json file,
                if ($TemplatePath -notlike '*.json') {
                    # see if it looks like a file
                    if ( test-path -path $templatePath -PathType leaf) {
                        $TemplatePath = $TemplatePath | Split-Path # if it does, reassign template path to it's directory.
                    # Then, go looking beneath that template path
                    $preferredJsonFile = $TemplatePath |
                        Get-ChildItem -Filter *.json |
                        # for a file named azuredeploy.json, prereq.azuredeploy.json or mainTemplate.json
                        Where-Object { 'azuredeploy.json', 'mainTemplate.json', 'prereq.azuredeploy.json' -contains $_.Name } |
                        Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Fullname
                    # If no file was found, write an error and return.
                    if (-not $preferredJsonFile) {
                        Write-Error "No azuredeploy.json or mainTemplate.json found beneath $TemplatePath"
                } else {

            # If we couldn't find a template file, return (an error should have already been written).
            if (-not $resolvedTemplatePath) {  return }

            # Next, we want to pre-populate a number of well-known variables.
            # These variables will be available to every test case. They are:
            $WellKnownVariables = 'TemplateFullPath','TemplateText','TemplateObject','TemplateFileName',
                'FolderName', 'HasCreateUIDefinition', 'IsMainTemplate','FolderFiles',
                'MainTemplatePath', 'MainTemplateObject', 'MainTemplateText',
                'MainTemplateResources','MainTemplateVariables','MainTemplateParameters', 'MainTemplateOutputs'

            foreach ($_ in $WellKnownVariables) {
                $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($_, $null)

            #*$templateFullPath (the full path to the .json file)
            $TemplateFullPath = "$resolvedTemplatePath"
            #*$TemplateFileName (the name of the azure template file)
            $templateFileName = $TemplateFullPath | Split-Path -Leaf
            #*$IsMainTemplate (if the TemplateFileName is named mainTemplate.json)
            $isMainTemplate = 'mainTemplate.json', 'azuredeploy.json', 'prereq.azuredeploy.json' -contains $templateFileName
            $templateFile = Get-Item -LiteralPath "$resolvedTemplatePath"
            $templateFolder = $templateFile.Directory
            #*$FolderName (the name of the root folder containing the template)
            $TemplateName = $templateFolder.Name
            #*$TemplateText (the text contents of the template file)
            $TemplateText = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($resolvedTemplatePath)
            #*$TemplateObject (the template text, converted from JSON)
            $TemplateObject = Import-Json -FilePath $TemplateFullPath

            if ($resolvedTemplatePath -like '*.json' -and 
                $TemplateObject.'$schema' -like '*CreateUIDefinition*') {
                $createUiDefinitionFullPath = "$resolvedTemplatePath"
                $createUIDefinitionText = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($createUiDefinitionFullPath)
                $createUIDefinitionObject = Import-Json -FilePath $createUiDefinitionFullPath
                $HasCreateUIDefinition = $true
                $isMainTemplate = $false
                $templateFile =  $TemplateText = $templateObject = $TemplateFullPath = $templateFileName = $null
            } else {
                #*$CreateUIDefinitionFullPath (the path to CreateUIDefinition.json)
                $createUiDefinitionFullPath = Join-Path -childPath 'createUiDefinition.json' -Path $templateFolder
                if (Test-Path $createUiDefinitionFullPath) {
                    #*$CreateUIDefinitionText (the text contents of CreateUIDefinition.json)
                    $createUIDefinitionText = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($createUiDefinitionFullPath)
                    #*$CreateUIDefinitionObject (the createuidefinition text, converted from json)
                    $createUIDefinitionObject =  Import-Json -FilePath $createUiDefinitionFullPath
                    #*$HasCreateUIDefinition (indicates if a CreateUIDefinition.json file exists)
                    $HasCreateUIDefinition = $true
                } else {
                    $HasCreateUIDefinition = $false
                    $createUiDefinitionFullPath = $null

            #*$FolderFiles (a list of objects of each file in the directory)
            $FolderFiles =
                @(Get-ChildItem -Path $templateFolder.FullName -Recurse |
                    Where-Object { -not $_.PSIsContainer } |
                    ForEach-Object {
                        $fileInfo = $_
                        if ($resolvedTemplatePath -like '*.json' -and -not $isMainTemplate -and 
                            $fileInfo.FullName -ne $resolvedTemplatePath) { return }

                        if ($fileInfo.DirectoryName -eq '__macosx') {
                            return # (excluding files as side-effects of MAC zips)
                        # All FolderFile objects will have the following properties:

                        if ($fileInfo.Extension -eq '.json') {
                            $fileObject = [Ordered]@{
                                Name = $fileInfo.Name #*Name (the name of the file)
                                Extension = $fileInfo.Extension #*Extension (the file extension)
                                Text = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($fileInfo.FullName)#*Text (the file content as text)
                                FullPath = $fileInfo.Fullname#*FullPath (the full path to the file)
                            # If the file is JSON, two additional properties may be present:
                            #*Object (the file's text, converted from JSON)
                            $fileObject.Object = Import-Json $fileObject.FullPath
                            #*Schema (the value of the $schema property of the JSON object, if present)
                            $fileObject.schema = $fileObject.Object.'$schema'


            if ($isMainTemplate) { # If the file was a main template,
                # we set a few more variables:
                #*MainTemplatePath (the path to the main template file)
                $MainTemplatePath = "$TemplateFullPath"
                #*MainTemplateText (the text of the main template file)
                $MainTemplateText = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($MainTemplatePath)
                #*MainTemplateObject (the main template, converted from JSON)
                $MainTemplateObject = Import-Json -FilePath $MainTemplatePath
                #*MainTemplateResources (the resources and child resources in the main template)
                $MainTemplateResources = if ($mainTemplateObject.Resources) {
                    Expand-Resource -Resource $MainTemplateObject.resources
                } else { $null }
                #*MainTemplateParameters (a hashtable of parameters in the main template)
                $MainTemplateParameters = [Ordered]@{}
                foreach ($prop in $MainTemplateObject.parameters.psobject.properties) {
                    $MainTemplateParameters[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value
                #*MainTemplateVariables (a hashtable of variables in the main template)
                $MainTemplateVariables = [Ordered]@{}
                foreach ($prop in $MainTemplateObject.variables.psobject.properties) {
                    $MainTemplateVariables[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value
                #*MainTemplateOutputs (a hashtable of outputs in the main template)
                $MainTemplateOutputs = [Ordered]@{}
                foreach ($prop in $MainTemplateObject.outputs.psobject.properties) {
                    $MainTemplateOutputs[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value

            # If we've found a CreateUIDefinition, we'll want to process it first.
            if ($HasCreateUIDefinition) {
                # Loop over the folder files and get every file that isn't createUIDefinition
                $otherFolderFiles = @(foreach ($_ in $FolderFiles) {
                    if ($_.Name -ne 'CreateUIDefinition.json') {
                    } else {
                        $createUIDefFile = $_
                # Then recreate the list with createUIDefinition that the front.
                $FolderFiles = @(@($createUIDefFile) + @($otherFolderFiles) -ne $null)

            $out = [Ordered]@{}
            foreach ($v in $WellKnownVariables) {
                $out[$v] = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($v).Value
        elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Expression') {

            # First, we need to see if the expression provided looks like a template language expression
            $matched? =
                [Regex]::Match($Expression, $TemplateLanguageExpression, $regexOptions, $regexTimeout)
            if (-not $matched?.Success) { # If it wasn't
                Write-Verbose "$Expression is not an expression" # Write to the verbose stream
                return $Expression # and return the original expression

            $functionName = $matched?.Groups["Function"].Value

            if (-not $InputObject.$functionName) { # If there wasn't a property on the inputobject
                return $matched?.Value # Return the expression

            # Get the parameters
            $parametersExpression = $matched?.Groups["Parameters"].Value
            # strip off the () (don't use trim, or we might hurt subexpressions)
            $parametersExpression = $parametersExpression.Substring(1,$parametersExpression.Length - 1)

            $functionParameters = @([Regex]::Matches($parametersExpression, $TemplateParametersExpression, $regexOptions, $regexTimeout))
            if (-not $functionParameters) { # If there were no parameters
                return $matched?.Value      # return the partially resolved expression.

            if (-not $functionParameters[0].Groups["StringLiteral"].Success) { # If we didn't get a literal value
                return $matched?.Value     # return the partially resolved expression.

            if ($Include -and $Include -notcontains $functionName) { # If we have a whitelist, and the function isn't in it.
                return $Expression # don't evaluate.

            if ($Exclude -and $Exclude -contains $functionName) { # If we have a blacklist, and the function is in it.
                return $Expression # don't evaluate.

            # Find the target property
            $targetProperty = $functionParameters[0].Groups["StringLiteral"].Value

            # and resolve the target object.
            $targetObject = $InputObject.$functionName.$targetProperty

            if (-not $targetObject) {  # If the object didn't resolve,
                Write-Error ".$functionName.$targetProperty not found" # error out.

            if ($matched?.Groups["Index"].Success) {  # Assuming it did, we have to check for indices
                $index = $matched?.Groups["Index"].Value -replace '[\[\]]', '' -as [int]

                if (-not $targetObject[$index]) {
                    Write-Error "Index $index not found"
                } else {
                    $targetObject = $targetObject[$index]
            # Since we can nest properties and indices, we just have to work thru each remaining one.
            $propertyMatchGroup = $matched?.Groups["Property"]
            if ($propertyMatchGroup.Success) {
                foreach ($cap in $propertyMatchGroup.Captures) {
                    $propName, $propIndex = $cap.Value -split '[\.\[\]]' -ne ''

                    if (-not $targetObject.$propName) {
                        Write-Error "Property $propName not found"

                    $targetObject = $targetObject.$propName
                    if ($propIndex -and $propIndex -as [int] -ne $null) {
                        if (-not $targetObject[$propIndex -as [int]]) {
                            Write-Error "Index $propIndex not found"
                        } else {
                            $targetObject = $targetObject[$propIndex -as [int]]

            # and at last, we can return whatever was resolved.
            return $targetObject