
# Matches a 'list' function within an expression, such as listKeys.

           # we don't want to flag a UDF that might be called "myListOfIps" so we need to check the char preceeding list*()
(?<= # We don't want to include the preceeding character, so we use a lookbehind (?<=).
    (?> # It can only be one of the following (?> atomic match):
    \[ # A bracket (the function could be the first thing in the template expression)
    | # OR
    \( # An open parenthesis (the function may be contained in another function)
    | # OR
    , # A comma (the function may be contained in another function and not the first argument in that function)
    ) # and the (?> ) syntax says this is not included in the match because we need to check for expressions explicitly below
    \s{0,} # We also don't need to include any preceeding whitespace in the match itself
(?<ListFunctionName> # We want to capture the list function name
list\w{1,} # which will be list followed by any number of word characters
(?= # We want to check for but not match a couple more things, so we use a lookahead (?=)
    \s{0,} # the list function can be followed by optional whitespace
    \( # and an open parenthesis