
# Matches an Expression in an Azure Resource Manager Template
\s{0,} # Match optional whitespace,
\[ # then match the opening bracket,
(?<Function>\S{1,}) # then match topmost function name.
(?<Parameters>\( # This will be followed by parenthesis.
                                        # Will want want to match within balanced parenthesis.
    (?> # This is called a 'balancing group'.
                                        # We need it so that we don't end the match too early
        [^\(\)]+ # If it is not a parenthesis, match
        \((?<Depth>) # If it is a parenthesis, increment ?<Depth>
        \)(?<-Depth>) # If it is a closing parenthesis, decrement ?<Depth>
    )*(?(Depth)(?!)) # Match until there is no depth.
\)) # Then match the closing parenthesis
(?<Index>\[\d{1,}\]){0,1} # We could also have an an [index]
(?<Property>\. # Or a .property with a potential [index]
    (?<PropertyName> # The name of the property
        [^\.\[\]\s]{1,} # is anything but .,[, and whitespace
    (?<PropertyIndex>\[\d{1,}\]){0,1} # and it can be followed by an optional [propertyindex]
){0,} # We can have a sequence of .property[index], so repeat as required.
\] # The match the closing bracket
\s{0,} # and any optional whitespace