
    Ensures that controls in Outputs exist
    Ensures that controls in Outputs are defined elsewhere in CreateUIDefinition

# The CreateUIDefinition Object

$basicsOrSteps = [Regex]::new(@'
\s{0,} # Optional whitespace
\[ # opening bracket
\s{0,} # optional whitespace
(?> # Either
    basics\( # Basics
    \s{0,} # More whitespace
    ' # and a ControlName between quotes
    | # Or
    steps\( # Steps
        \s{0,} # more whitespace
        ' # Stepname between quotes
    \) # closing parenthesis
       (?<ElementName>\w+) # optional element name after a .
, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace')

foreach ($CreateUIOutput in $CreateUIDefinitionObject.parameters.outputs.psobject.properties) {
    $expression = $CreateUIOutput.Value 
    $matched = $basicsOrSteps.Matches($expression)
    foreach ($match in $matched) {
        if (-not $match.Success) { continue }
        $controlName = $match.Groups['ControlName'].Value
        if ($controlName) {
            $FoundControl = $CreateUIDefinitionObject.parameters.basics | 
                Where-Object Name -EQ $ControlName
            if (-not $FoundControl) {
                Write-Error "Could not find control '$controlName' in .parameters.basics" -ErrorId ControlName.Not.Found -TargetObject $match

        $stepName = $match.Groups['StepName'].Value
        if ($stepName) {
            $FoundStep = $CreateUIDefinitionObject.parameters.steps | 
                Where-Object Name -EQ $stepName
            if (-not $FoundStep) {
                Write-Error "Could not find step '$stepName' in .parameters.steps" -ErrorId StepName.Not.Found -TargetObject $match
            } else {
                $elementName = $match.Groups['ElementName'].Value
                if ($elementName) {
                    $foundElement = $FoundStep.Elements | 
                        Where-Object Name -eq $elementName

                    if (-not $foundElement) {
                        Write-Error "Count not find element '$elementName' in .parameters.steps.$stepName" -ErrorId ElementName.Not.Found -TargetObject $match