
    Ensures that .outputs are present in the .parameters of CreateUIDefinition.json
    Ensures that .outputs are present in the .parameters of CreateUIDefinition.json, and that those parameters exist on the template object
    Test-AzTemplate .\100-marketplace-sample -Test Outputs-Must-Be-Present-In-Template-Parameters
    .\Outputs-Must-Be-Present-In-Template-Parameters.test.ps1 -CreateUIDefinitionObject @([PSCustomObject]@{badinput=$true}) -TemplateObject ([PSCustomObject]@{})

# The CreateUIDefinition Object (the contents of CreateUIDefinition.json, converted from JSON)

# The Template Object (the contents of azureDeploy.json, converted from JSON)

# First, make sure CreateUIDefinition has outputs
if (-not $CreateUIDefinitionObject.parameters.outputs) {
    Write-Error "CreateUIDefinition is missing the .parameters.outputs property" -ErrorId CreateUIDefinition.Missing.Outputs     # ( write an error if it doesn't)

$parameterInfo = $CreateUIDefinitionObject.parameters

foreach ($output in $parameterInfo.outputs.psobject.properties) { # Then walk thru each output
    $outputName = $output.Name
    if ($outputName -eq 'applicationresourcename' -or `
        $outputName -eq 'jitaccesspolicy' -or `
        $outputName -eq 'managedresourcegroupid') { # If the output was one of the outputs used for Managed Apps and only found in the generated template, skip the test
    # If the output name was not declared in the TemplateObject,
    if (-not $TemplateObject.parameters.$outputName) {
        # write an error
        Write-Error "output $outputName does not exist in template.parameters" -ErrorId CreateUIDefinition.Output.Missing.From.MainTemplate -TargetObject $parameterInfo.outputs