
    Ensures Deployment Templates do not use hardcoded URLs
    Ensures Deployment Templates do not use Hardcoded URLs found in the AllEnvironments cache.

# The template text.

# The list of hosts that are not allowed.
$DisallowedHosts = 
        # "trafficmanager.net", # Removing this as it cannot be found in the ARM function [Environment()]

$HardcodedHostFinder = # Create a regex to find any reference
    [Regex]::new(($DisallowedHosts -join '|' -replace '\.', '\.'), 'IgnoreCase')

$preceededBySchema = # The exception to the rule is a schema reference,
    [Regex]::new('https://schema\.', 'IgnoreCase,RightToLeft') # so make a regex to look back for the rest of it.

# Walk thru each host reference found
foreach ($match in $HardcodedHostFinder.Matches($TemplateText)) { 
    # and see if it's preceeded by a schema.
    $schemaMatch = $preceededBySchema.Match($TemplateText, $match.Index)
    if (-not $schemaMatch.Success -or # If the wasn't a schema before, or it wasn't directly before
        ($schemaMatch.Index + $schemaMatch.Length -ne $match.Index)) { # error.
        Write-Error "Found hardcoded reference to $($match)" -ErrorId 'Hardcoded.Url.Reference' -TargetObject $match 