
# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

. (import-script ../REST/GraphErrorRecorder)

function Get-GraphError {
    $graphErrors = $::.GraphErrorRecorder |=> GetLastRecordedErrors

    $afterTimeUtc = $graphErrors.AfterTimeUtc
    $afterTimeLocal = $graphErrors.AfterTimeLocal

    $graphErrors.ErrorRecords | foreach {
        $headerOutput = @{}
        $errorValue = $_.ErrorRecord
        $responseStream = $_.ResponseStream
        $headers = try {
        } catch {

        # Headers at times are a dictionary, and in other
        # cases an array. In the latter case, each element
        # seems to be simply the name of the header and
        # not its value, which is regrettable from a diagnostic
        # standpoint.
        if ( $headers -ne $null ) {
            if ( $headers | gm keys ) {
                $headers.keys | foreach {
                    $headerOutput[$_] = $headers[$_]
            } else {
                $headers | foreach {
                    $headerOutput[$_] = $_

        [PSCustomObject] (
            [ordered] @{
                AfterTimeLocal = $afterTimeLocal
                AfterTimeUtc = $afterTimeUtc
                PSErrorRecord = $errorValue
                Response = [PSCustomObject] $errorValue.Exception.Response
                ResponseHeaders = [PSCustomObject] $headerOutput
                ResponseStream = $_.ResponseStream
                StatusCode = $errorValue.Exception.Response.StatusCode
                StatusDescription = $errorValue.Exception.Response.StatusDescription

Retrieves the error response from Graph for the last failed REST call invoked by one of this module's commands.

When a command such as Get-GraphItem or Invoke-GraphRequest fails due to an error response from Graph, i.e. a status code other than 2xx is returned, this command outputs the full response stream from the failed call to assist in troubleshooting the failure. This output may include details such as error messages on the specifics of an incorrectly specified parameter or unsupported scenario.

If the last Graph request from this module was successful, this command returns no output. If there was a failure, the result of this command is an object that contains a System.Net.HttpWebResponse object, and also important fields obtained from that object such as the response headers, the time at which the error occurred, and the deserialized response.


AfterTimeLocal : 1/25/2019 5:48:38 AM
AfterTimeUtc : 1/25/2019 1:48:38 PM
PSErrorRecord : The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
Response : System.Net.HttpWebResponse
ResponseHeaders : @{x-ms-ags-diagnostic=x-ms-ags-diagnostic;
                    Transfer-Encoding=Transfer-Encoding; request-id=request-id;
                    Content-Type=Content-Type; Cache-Control=Cache-Control;
                    Strict-Transport-Security=Strict-Transport-Security; Date=Date;
                    Duration=Duration; client-request-id=client-request-id}
ResponseStream : {
                      "error": {
                        "code": "RequestBodyRead",
                        "message": "The property 'firstName' does not exist on type
                    'Microsoft.OutlookServices.Contact'. Make sure to only use property names
                    that are defined by the type or mark the type as open type.",
                        "innerError": {
                          "request-id": "b01e4465-3543-4eda-abd8-b26d1ffb9a82",
                          "date": "2019-01-25T13:48:39"
StatusCode : BadRequest
StatusDescription : Bad Request

The Get-GraphError command was invoked after the following Graph command failed:

    Invoke-GraphRequest -Method POST me/contacts -Body @{firstName='Cleopatra';surname='Jones'}

Invoke-GraphRequest was invoked to POST to the 'me/contacts' relative URI of with a Body parameter that specifies the first and last name of a personal contact. The command should create a new contact resource, but received a 'BadRequest' status code of 400 from Graph and threw and exception.

By executing the Get-GraphError command after the failed command, the operator is able to see additional information beyond the status code and the line number on which the error occurred. The ResponseStream property often has detailed information about the error, and in this case it contains an error message "The property 'firstName' does not exist on type 'Microsoft.OutlookServices.Contact'". This guides the operator to look more clsoely at the documentation for the contat resource, which instead of a 'firstName' property contains a 'givenName' property.

The operator can then correct the error in the original Invoke-GraphRequest command, replacing 'firstName' with 'givenName' in the Body parameter and the command will succeed.

