
function Test-ATEC2IsRunningInEC2
        Determine if this code is executing on an EC2 instance

        Tests for executing on EC2 by trying to read EC2 instance metadata URL

        [boolean] - True if running on an EC2 instance.

        Returns true if EC2; else false

        The result of this call is cached in session variable AwsToolboxIsEC2 so subsequent calls to this function are faster.


    if (-not (Test-Path -Path variable:AwsToolboxIsEC2))
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' | Out-Null
            Set-Variable -Name AwsToolboxIsEC2 -Value $true -Scope Global -Visibility Public
            Set-Variable -Name AwsToolboxIsEC2 -Value $false -Scope Global -Visibility Public

    return $AwsToolboxIsEC2