
function Invoke-ATSSMPowerShellScript
        Run PowerShell on hosts using SSM AWS-RunPowerShellScript.

        Run PowerShell on hosts using SSM AWS-RunPowerShellScript.

    .PARAMETER InstanceIds
        List of instance IDs identifying instances to run the script on.

        If set, attempt to parse command output as a JSON string and convert to an object.

        Print command output from each instance to the console

        SSM truncates results to 2000 characters. If you expect results to exceed this, then this switch
        instructs SSM to send the results to S3. The cmdlet will retrieve these results and return them.

    .PARAMETER ScriptBlock
        ScriptBlock containing the script to run.

    .PARAMETER ExecutionTimeout
         The time in seconds for a command to be completed before it is considered to have failed. Default is 3600 (1 hour). Maximum is 172800 (48 hours).

    .PARAMETER Deliverytimeout
        The time in seconds for a command to be delivered to a target instance. Default is 600 (10 minutes).

        [PSObject], none
        If -AsText specified, then none
        List of PSObject, one per instance containing the following fields
        - InstanceId Instance for which this result pertains to
        - ResultObject If -AsJson and the result was successfully parsed, then an object else NULL
        - ResultText Standard Output returned by the script (Write-Host etc.)

        aws-toolbox uses a working bucket for passing results through S3 which will be created if not found.
        Format of bucket name is aws-toolbox-workspace-REGIONNAME-AWSACCOUNTID

        Invoke-ATSSMPowerShellScript -InstanceIds ('i-00000001', 'i-00000002') -ScriptBlock { net user me mypassword /add ; net localgroup Administrators me /add }
        Creates a windows user and adds to local administrators group on given instances

        Invoke-ATSSMPowerShellScript -InstanceIds ('i-00000001', 'i-00000002') -AsJson -ScriptBlock { Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost/status | ConvertTo-Json }
        Calls a local rest service, returning a JSON string and parse the result back into an object.

        Invoke-ATSSMPowerShellScript -InstanceIds i-00000000 -AsText { dir c:\ }
        Returns directory listing from remote instance to the console.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'AsText')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'json')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'text')]


        [int]$ExecutionTimeout = 3600,

        [int]$DeliveryTimeout = 600


    $invokeArguments = @{
        ScriptType = 'WindowsPowerShell'

    $PSBoundParameters.Keys |
    ForEach-Object {
        $invokeArguments.Add($_, $PSBoundParameters[$_])

    Invoke-SSMCommandScript @invokeArguments