
function Get-ATEC2SecurityGroupDependencies
        Find all dependencies of a given security group or groups.

        You cannot delete a security group if it is in use anywhere.
        Usages come down to whether it is bound to any network interface (e.g. instance or laod balancer),
        or whether it is referenced as the target of a rule in another security group.

        This cmdlet enables you to determine what may be linked to the given security group so you can
        break those links prior to deleting it.

    .PARAMETER GroupId
        One or more security groups to obtain dependency information for

        If set, print a report to the console, else returns an object that can be used by a calling script.
        Where possible, if a dependency belongs to a cloudformation stack, then the owning stack name is shown in parentheses.

        Get-ATEC2SecurityGroupDependencies -GroupId sg-00000000 -AsText
        List dependencies of given group to console

        Get-ATEC2SecurityGroupDependencies -GroupId sg-00000000
        Return dependencies of given group as object

        (Get-ATEBEnvironmentResourceList my-eb-environment).Instances.SecurityGroups.SecurityGroupId | sort -Unique | Get-ATEC2SecurityGroupDependencies -AsText
        List dependencies of security groups attached to instances of an Elastic Beanstalk environment to console.

        (Get-ATEBEnvironmentResourceList my-eb-environment).LoadBalancers.SecurityGroups.SecurityGroupId | Get-ATEC2SecurityGroupDependencies -AsText
        List dependencies of security groups attached to load balancers of an Elastic Beanstalk environment to console.

        IAM permissions required to run this command

        - ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups
        - ec2:DescribeTags
        - elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers
        - elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTags

        Security Group ID(s)

        Or nothing if -AsText

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)]


        function Write-RuleReferences

            if ($null -eq $References)
                Write-Host "- No $($ReferenceType.ToLower()) rule references"
                Write-Host "- $($ReferenceType) rule references from:"

                $References |
                ForEach-Object {
                    Write-Host " - $_"

        function Get-ELBStack

            if ($ElbDescription -match '(ELB\s+)?\w+/(?<name>.*)?/')
                $elbName = $

                    $elb = Get-ELB2LoadBalancer -Name $elbName
                    $elb = null
            elseif ($ElbDescription -match '(ELB\s+)?(?<name>.*)')
                $elbName = $

                    $elb = Get-ELBLoadBalancer -LoadBalancerName $elbName
                    $elb = $null

            if ($null -eq $elb)
                return 'Not a load balancer'

            if ($elb -is [Amazon.ElasticLoadBalancing.Model.LoadBalancerDescription])
                $tags = Get-ELBResourceTag -LoadBalancerName $elbName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Tags

                $tags = Get-ELB2Tag -ResourceArn $elb.LoadBalancerArn | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Tags

            if ($null -eq $tags)
                return '*NONE*'

            $stack = $tags |
            Where-Object {
                $_.Key -eq 'aws:cloudformation:stack-name'
            } |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value

            if ($stack)
                return $stack
                return '*NONE*'

        $GroupId |
        Foreach-Object {

            $sgs = Get-SecurityGroupWithStack -GroupId $_

            if ($null -ne $sgs)
                $sg = $sgs.SecurityGroupId

                $detail = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    SecurityGroup     = $sgs
                    NetworkInterfaces = Get-EC2NetworkInterface -Filter @{ Name = 'group-id'; Values = $sg }
                    IngressReferences = Get-EC2SecurityGroup -Filter @{ Name = ''; Values = $sg } |
                    Get-SecurityGroupWithStack |
                    Where-Object {
                        $_.SecurityGroupId -ne $sgs.SecurityGroupId
                    EgressReferences  = Get-EC2SecurityGroup -Filter @{ Name = ''; Values = $sg } |
                    Get-SecurityGroupWithStack |
                    Where-Object {
                        $_.SecurityGroupId -ne $sgs.SecurityGroupId

                if ($AsText)
                    Write-Host "Dependencies for $sgs"
                    Write-Host "Attached to:"

                    if ($null -eq $detail.NetworkInterfaces)
                        Write-Host "- No network attachments"
                        $detail.NetworkInterfaces |
                        ForEach-Object {

                            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Attachment.InstanceId))
                                Write-Host "- Instance $($_.Attachment.InstanceId)"
                            elseif (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Description))
                                $elbStack = Get-ELBStack -ElbDescription $_.Description
                                Write-Host "- $($_.Description):$($_.AvailabilityZone) ($elbStack)"
                                Write-Host "- Unknown attachment"

                    Write-Host "Other security groups that reference this one:"
                    Write-RuleReferences -ReferenceType "Ingress" -References $detail.IngressReferences
                    Write-RuleReferences -ReferenceType "Egress" -References $detail.EgressReferences

