
function Get-AzToolsAutomationJobs {
        Get Azure Automation Account runbook jobs
        Get Azure Automation Account runbook jobs
    .PARAMETER SelectContext
        Optional. Prompt to select the Azure context (tenant/subscription)
    .PARAMETER JobStatus
        Optional. Job Status type:
        Activating, Completed, Failed,Queued,Resuming, Running, Starting, Stopped, Stopping, Suspended, Suspending
        Default = Running
    .PARAMETER StartTime
        Optional. Filter jobs starting after [StartTime] (date and time)
    .PARAMETER EndTime
        Optional. Filter jobs with status prior to [EndTime] (date and time)
    .PARAMETER RunbookName
        Optional. Filter jobs related to a specific Runbook
    .PARAMETER SelectRunbook
        Optional. Prompt for Runbook using gridview
    .PARAMETER ShowOutput
        Optional. Send Jobs to Get-AzToolsJobOutput for more detailed information
    .PARAMETER ShowLimit
        Optional. Limit number of jobs to show when using -ShowOutput
        Default = 10
    .PARAMETER StopProcessing
        Optional. Stops jobs returned from query [only if] the JobStatus parameter is "Suspended"
        Get-AzToolsAutomationJobs -JobStatus Failed
        Get-AzToolsAutomationJobs -JobStatus Failed -RunbookName "MyRunbook"
        Get-AzToolsAutomationJobs -JobStatus Suspended -RunbookName "MyRunbook" -StopProcessing

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="Select Azure Context")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="GUID for Automation Job")]
            [ValidateSet('Activating','Completed','Failed','Queued','Resuming','Running','Starting','Stopped','Stopping','Suspended','Suspending')]$JobStatus = 'Running',
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="Filter by Job Start Time")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="Filter by Job End Time")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="Azure Automation Account Runbook Name")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="Select Runbook from Gridview")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="Show Job Output")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="Limit Job Output. Default is 10")]
            [int]$ShowLimit = 10,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="Stop Processing a suspended or running job")]
    if ($SelectContext) { Switch-AzToolsContext }
    if (!$global:AzToolsLastSubscription -or $SelectContext) { Select-AzToolsSubscription }
    if ($global:AzToolsLastSubscription) {
        if (!$global:AzToolsLastResourceGroup -or $SelectContext) { Select-AzToolsResourceGroup }
        if ($global:AzToolsLastResourceGroup) {
            if (!$global:AzToolsLastAutomationAccount -or $SelectContext) { Select-AzToolsAutomationAccount }
            if ($global:AzToolsLastAutomationAccount) {
                $aaname = $global:AzToolsLastAutomationAccount.AutomationAccountName
                $rgname = $global:AzToolsLastResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName
                Write-Verbose "Account=$((Get-AzContext).Account) Subscription=$($global:AzToolsLastSubscription.Id) ResourceGroup=$($rgname) AutomationAccount=$($aaname)"
                if (!$global:AzToolsLastRunbook -or $SelectContext -or $SelectRunbook) { Select-AzToolsAutomationRunbook }
                if ($JobID) {
                    $params = @{
                        ResourceGroupName     = $rgname
                        AutomationAccountName = $aaname
                        Id = $JobID
                    $results = Get-AzAutomationJob @params
                    if ($ShowOutput) {
                        Write-Host "Returned $($results.Count) jobs (limiting to $ShowLimit latest jobs)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
                        if ($ShowLimit -gt 0) {
                            $results | Select-Object -First $ShowLimit | Foreach-Object { Get-AzToolsJobOutput -JobId $_.JobId }
                        } else {
                            $results | Foreach-Object { Get-AzToolsJobOutput -JobId $_.JobId }
                    if ($StopProcessing) {
                        if ($JobStatus -in ('Suspended')) {
                            $counter = 1
                            $total = $results.Count
                            $results | Foreach-Object {
                                try {
                                    Stop-AzAutomationJob -Id $_.JobId -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $_.AutomationAccountName -ErrorAction Stop
                                    Write-Host "Stopped Job $counter of $total : $($_.JobId)"
                                } catch {
                                    Write-Warning "Job Stop request $counter of $total failed. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
                    } else {
                } elseif ($global:AzToolsLastRunbook) {
                    $params = @{
                        ResourceGroupName     = $rgname
                        AutomationAccountName = $aaname
                        RunbookName           = $($global:AzToolsLastRunbook).Name
                    if ($StartTime) { $params['StartTime'] = $StartTime }
                    if ($EndTime)   { $params['EndTime']   = $EndTime }
                    if ($JobStatus) { $params['Status']    = $JobStatus }
                    Write-Host "Requesting job history for runbook: $($($global:AztoolsLastRunbook).Name)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    $results = Get-AzAutomationJob @params | Sort-Object Time -Descending
                    if ($ShowOutput) {
                        Write-Host "Returned $($results.Count) jobs (limiting to $ShowLimit latest jobs)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
                        if ($ShowLimit -gt 0) {
                            $results | Select-Object -First $ShowLimit | Foreach-Object { Get-AzToolsJobOutput -JobId $_.JobId }
                        } else {
                            $results | Foreach-Object { Get-AzToolsJobOutput -JobId $_.JobId }
                    } if ($StopProcessing) {
                        if ($JobStatus -in ('Suspended')) {
                            $counter = 1
                            $total = $results.Count
                            $results | Foreach-Object {
                                try {
                                    Stop-AzAutomationJob -Id $_.JobId -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $_.AutomationAccountName -ErrorAction Stop
                                    Write-Host "Stopped Job $counter of $total : $($_.JobId)"
                                } catch {
                                    Write-Warning "Job Stop request $counter of $total failed. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
                    } else {
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Runbook not yet selected"
            } else {
                Write-Warning "Automation Account not yet selected"
        } else {
            Write-Warning "Resource Group not yet selected"
    } else {
        Write-Warning "Azure Subscription not yet selected"