
   Retrieves the data disks associated with a Azure RM VM
   Get-AzureRMHelperVMDataDisks -azureRMVM $azureRMVMObject
    azureRMVM - Azure RM VM object
    Name - Name of the VM
    ResourceGroupName - Name of the resource group the VM belongs to
    For unmanaged disks
    For managed disks
    Retrieves the data disks for a AzureRM VM. Disk type returned is dependent on the disk type of the OS Disk.

Function Get-AzureRMHelperVMDataDisks

        $azureRMVM = Get-azureRMVM -Name $Name -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName

    $rmVMDataDiskDetails = @()
        $allRMDataDisks = Get-AzureRmDisk
        #Find associated Managed Data Disks
        $rmVMDataDiskDetails = $allRMDataDisks | Where-object {$_.ManagedBy -match $azureRMVM.Id -and $_.Id -notmatch $azureRMVM.StorageProfile.OsDisk.ManagedDisk.Id}
    {   #Find associated Unmanaged Data Disks
        $storageAccounts = Get-AzureRmStorageAccount
        foreach($vhd in $azureRMVM.StorageProfile.DataDisks)
            $vhdBlob = $storageAccounts | Get-AzureStorageContainer | Get-AzureStorageBlob | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "$($vhd.Name)\.vhd"}
            $rmVMDataDiskDetails += $vhdBlob
            if($vhdBlob.GetType() -eq 'Object[]')
                Write-warning "Found more than one vhd for $($vhd.Name) across all storage accounts"
        #Check if the number of VHDs found matches the number of disks attached to the VM
        if($azureRMVM.StorageProfile.DataDisks.Count -ne $rmVMDataDiskDetails.Count)
            Throw "Number of Vhds matching blob name exceeds number of disks attached to VM"
    Return $rmVMDataDiskDetails