
#--- Apps ---
Function Get-bConnectApp() {
            Get specified app, all apps in given OrgUnit or all apps on an specific endpoint.
        .Parameter AppGuid
            Valid GUID of a app.
        .Parameter OrgUnitGuid
            Valid GUID of a Orgunit.
        .Parameter EndpointGuid
            Valid GUID of an endpoint.
            Array of App (see bConnect documentation for more details).

    Param (

    $_connectVersion = Get-bConnectVersion
    If($_connectVersion -ge "1.0") {
        If($EndpointGuid) {
            $_body = @{
                EndpointId = $EndpointGuid

        If($OrgUnitGuid) {
            $_body = @{
                OrgUnit = $OrgUnitGuid

        If($AppGuid) {
            $_body = @{
                Id = $AppGuid

        return Invoke-bConnectGet -Controller "Apps" -Version $_connectVersion -Data $_body
    } else {
        return $false

Function Get-bConnectAppIcon() {
            Get the icon for specified app or all apps within a scope.
        .Parameter AppGuid
            Valid GUID of a app.
        .Parameter Scope
            Valid scope (App/Inventory).
            Array of Icon (see bConnect documentation for more details).

    Param (

    $_connectVersion = Get-bConnectVersion
    If($_connectVersion -ge "1.0") {
        If($Scope) {
            $_body = @{
                Scope = $Scope

        If($AppGuid) {
            $_body = @{
                AppId = $AppGuid

        return Invoke-bConnectGet -Controller "Icons" -Version $_connectVersion -Data $_body
    } else {
        return $false

Export-ModuleMember Get-bConnectApp
Export-ModuleMember Get-bConnectAppIcon