
#║ baramundi software AG ║ bConnect Module for Powershell ║
#║ Author : Alexander Haugk <alexander.haugk@baramundi.de> ║
#║ Target : bMS 2019 R2 ║
# This script is provided "as is" just for educational purpose and without
# warranty of any kind.
# Please place your comments, questions, improvements, etc
# on Github: https://github.com/baramundisoftware/PS-bConnect

# fallback bConnect version
$script:_bConnectFallbackVersion = "v1.0"

# overwrite Invoke-RestMethod timeout
$script:_ConnectionTimeout = 0

# Only to ignore certificates errors (self-signed)
Add-Type @"
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class ignoreCertificatePolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
    public ignoreCertificatePolicy() {}
    public bool CheckValidationResult(ServicePoint sPoint, X509Certificate cert, WebRequest wRequest, int certProb) { return true; }

# init the connection (uri and credentials)
$script:_connectInitialized = $false

# Load all scripts of the module
foreach($modfile in (Get-ChildItem *.ps1 -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Private")){
    . $modfile.FullName

foreach($modfile in (Get-ChildItem *.ps1 -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Public","$PSScriptRoot\Types")){
    . $modfile.FullName
    Export-ModuleMember $modfile.BaseName