
Function Edit-bConnectEndpoint() {
            Updates a existing endpoint.
        .Parameter Endpoint
            Valid modified endpoint
            Endpoint (see bConnect documentation for more details).

    Param (

    $_connectVersion = Get-bConnectVersion
    If($_connectVersion -ge "1.0") {
        If(Test-Guid $Endpoint.Id) {
            # We can not send the whole object because of not editable fields.
            # So we need to create a new one with editable fields only...
            # And as this might be too easy, we face another problem: we are only allowed to send the changed fields :(
            # Dirty workaround: reload the object and compare new vs. old
            $_old_endpoint = Get-bConnectEndpoint -EndpointGuid $Endpoint.Id
            $_old_endpoint = ConvertTo-Hashtable $_old_endpoint

            # common properties
            $_new_endpoint = @{ Id = $Endpoint.Id }
            $_propertyList = @(
            $Endpoint = ConvertTo-Hashtable $Endpoint

            # Windows
            If($Endpoint.Type -eq [bConnectEndpointType]::WindowsEndpoint) {
                $_propertyList += @(

            # BmsNet = Android, iOS, WP (deprecated!), OSX
            If(($Endpoint.Type -eq [bConnectEndpointType]::AndroidEndpoint) -or
                ($Endpoint.Type -eq [bConnectEndpointType]::iOSEndpoint) -or
                ($Endpoint.Type -eq [bConnectEndpointType]::WindowsPhoneEndpoint) -or
                ($Endpoint.Type -eq [bConnectEndpointType]::MacEndpoint)) {
                $_propertyList += @(

            # OSX
            If($Endpoint.Type -eq [bConnectEndpointType]::MacEndpoint) {
                $_propertyList += @(

            Foreach($_property in $_propertyList) {
                If($Endpoint[$_property] -ine $_old_endpoint[$_property]) {
                    $_new_endpoint += @{ $_property = $Endpoint[$_property] }

            return Invoke-bConnectPatch -Controller "Endpoints" -Version $_connectVersion -objectGuid $Endpoint.Id -Data $_new_endpoint
        } else {
            return $false
    } else {
        return $false