
function Save-NuspecManifest
            Saves a Nuspec manifest.
            Saves a Nuspec manifest to a file.
        .PARAMETER Path
            A string containing the the full path to save the Nuspec manifest file.
        .PARAMETER Nuspec
            An XmlDocument containing the Nuspec manifest.
            Accepts an XmlDocument containing the manifest.
            Returns a string containing the path to the manifest file
            Save-NuspecManifest -Nuspec $Nuspec -Path .\mypackage.nuspec
            This example will save the Nuspec manifest in the file mypackage.nuscpec.
            Import-PowerShellDataFile .\MyModule.psd1 | ConvertTo-NuspecManifest | Save-NuspecManifest -Path .\mymodule.nuspec
            This example will save the Nuspec manifest in the file mypackage.nuscpec.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( {
            if ((Test-Path $_))
                $Item = Get-Item $_
                if ($Item.PSIsContainer) { $true }
                    if ($Item.Extension -eq ".nuspec") { $true }
                    else { throw "Could not validate path '$_' because it is not a Nuspec file." }
            else { $true}
        } )]
        [string] $Path,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [xml] $Nuspec

        Write-Verbose "coucou"
        $NuspecId = (Get-NuspecProperty -Name id -Nuspec $Nuspec).Value
        if ((Test-Path $Path))
            $Item = Get-Item $Path
            if ($Item.PSIsContainer) { $Path = Join-Path $Item.FullName ("{0}.nuspec" -f $NuspecId) }
            else { $Path = $Item.FullName }
        elseif ($Path.EndsWith(".nuspec"))
            $Directory = Split-Path $Path -Parent
            if (!(Test-Path $Directory)) { $Directory = New-Item -Path (Split-Path $Path -Parent) -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null }
            else { $Directory = Get-Item $Directory }
            $Path = Join-Path $Directory.FullName (Split-Path $Path -Leaf)
            $Directory = New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force
            $Path = Join-Path $Directory.FullName ("{0}.nuspec" -f $NuspecId)
        Write-Verbose $Path
        $Nuspec.Save($Path) | Out-Null
        (Get-Item $Path).FullName
        Write-Error $_
