
Gets a computer object.

Gets a computer object with the matching hostname from Active Directory.

function Get-Computer {
    process {
        try {
            Get-ADComputer -Filter "Name -like '*$Computer*'" -Properties CanonicalName |
                Select-Object Name,Enabled,CanonicalName
        } catch {
            'Computer not found: ' + $Computer | Write-Warning
            throw $_

Gets a list of group members.

Gets the "Name" and "DisplayName" properties for all members in a given
Active Directory group.

function Get-GroupMember {
    process {
        $GroupColumn = @{
            'Name' = 'Group'
            'Expression' = { $Group }
        try {
            Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Recursive |
                Get-ADUser -Property DisplayName |
                Select-Object $GroupColumn,Name,DisplayName
        } catch {
            'Group not found: ' + $Group | Write-Warning
            throw $_

Get the mailbox type from a User.

Checks the Active Directory attributes for a given user and translates the
mailbox type into a human-readable form.

function Get-MailboxType {
    begin {
        $MailboxType = @{
            'Name' = 'Mailbox Type'
            'Expression' = { Resolve-MailboxType $_.msExchRemoteRecipientType }
    process {
        try {
            Get-ADUser $Username -Properties msExchRemoteRecipientType |
                Select-Object Name, $MailboxType
        } catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] {
            'Missing ActiveDirectory module' | Write-Warning
        } catch {
            'Not found: ' + $Username | Write-Warning

function Get-User {
    process {
        Get-ADUser $Username -Properties *

function Get-UserFromEmail {
    process {
        Get-ADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName -like '$Email'" -Properties *

Resolve the numeric mailbox type to a string.

Returns a human-readable string translation of the msExchRemoteRecipientType prop.

function Resolve-MailboxType {
    begin {
        $MailboxTypes = @{
    process {
        # use a dynamic type as temporary storage
        $Result = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
        $MailboxTypes.Keys |
            # bitwise operations to decode the type
            Where-Object { $Mailbox -bAnd $_ } |
            # swallow the return value
            ForEach-Object { $_ = $Result.Add($MailboxTypes.Get_Item($_)) }
        # returns a human-readable single string
        $Result -Join ', '